Chapter 12 - Happy Jacky!

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~ Fee's POV ~

I figure that while he's drifting off to sleep I might as well tell him, he probably wont remember so it wont be awkward. I lean upwards and whisper in his ear "I love you."
Seans eyes fly open and I instantly blush. Shit. Fuck. Balls. Im so fucking dea-
"I love you too." Sean smiles wider than I've ever seen him smile before.
I smile right back at him "Well I thought that was gonna be a lot more awkward than it actually was, thank fuck!"
Sean laughs "I kind of already knew, Lily told me."
I facepalm "Of course she did, that cheeky little cheerio!"
Sean raises an eyebrow "Im just gonna pretend I didnt hear you call a little girl cheerio and say how happy I am that you actually said those three words to me."
"Which three words? Im pretty sure I've said a lot more than three words dude." I giggle.
Sean smiles widely "The I love you words." He wraps and arm around me and pulls me closer.
"Oh THOSE words, well awesome! I love you too dude!" I smile widely and Sean laughs, I close my eyes "Goodnight Sean, guess I'll see you in the morning then!"
"Yeah, I guess you will!" He chuckles "Goodnight Fee, I love you!"
I giggle "I love you too Jacky-boy!" He leans down and suddenly kisses my cheek before closing his eyes and smiling, drifting off into a deep sleep and leaving me the happiest woman ever.

~ Seans POV ~

She finally said it!




I have problems.











In the morning I wake up and find Fee still in my arms, smiling up at me. I smile sleepily back at her. "Good morning beautiful!"
She blushes and giggles "Good morning bossiest boss of all bosses that ever bossed!"
I laugh and kiss her cheek "How did you sleep?"
She smiles adorably "Pretty good actually, no nightmares which is awesome considering it was Thursday and I almost ALWAYS have nightmares on Thursdays."
I raise an eyebrow "Is that why you hate Thursdays?"
She shakes her head "No, the reason I hate Thursdays is the reason I have nightmares on Thursdays." I must look confused as fuck because she continues. "I guess I should tell you now. I have a lot of baggage when it comes to my past, not many people know about my past. Im originally Brittish, I lived there almost all my life. I was bullied everyday of my life by my entire family and everyone at school. One night I was in a car crash with my family, only me and my father survived. He blamed me for the accident, even though he was driving, and blamed me for the rest of my families deaths. He abused me more than usual and I self harmed a lot. Eventually I plucked enough courage and money to run away to Ireland, leaving my old life behind me. I've lived here for a couple of years now. Last year I got a letter from the authorities in England, saying my father had commit suicide and had left me a letter. The letter was from him, blaming me for his suicide and saying everything was my fault. After that I had a huge meltdown and tried to commit suicide so I had to start seeing a councillor. Im a fucking councillor and I have to see a councillor. I see her every Thursday, we discuss my life and how things have improved and shit like that. She always brings up old stuff that I dont really wanna talk about. I hate having to see a councillor, I feel so fucking stupid, like a crazy person. You probably think Im crazy too, thats why I didnt want to tell you about it. But thats the reason I hate Thursdays. Whenever my councillor brings up my past it re-awakens old memories, causing me to have nightmares. Thursdays just suck in general." She explains.
A single tear falls from my eye "Y-You tried to commit suicide?"
She nods sheepishly "I had nobody and was blamed for multiple deaths, I felt like shit constantly, yes I did." She wipes my tear away.
"Do you self harm now?" I ask quietly.
She shakes her head "Im about a week clean. Since you came along I havent self harmed."
I smile "Congratulations, Im really proud of you!" She smiles slightly. "I dont think you're crazy, not at all. You had a bad childhood, I understand. Its not a bad thing to see a councillor, even if you're a councillor yourself. Its like saying its bad for me as a youtuber to watch other youtubers, its perfectly alright. I can understand why you hate Thursdays, thank you for telling me, it means a lot to me that you feel you can tell me stuff like that."
She smiles adorably "Well I love you, I'll tell you anything."
I smile wider "I love you too Fee. I have a question for you though."
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I close my eyes and brace for impact.
I hear the cutest giggle in the world before I feel lips touch mine, but only for a few seconds. My eyes fly open. She giggles again "Yes, I'd be honoured Jacky-boy!"
I waste no time in kissing her, I've been wanting to do this since the day I met her. The fireworks were more amazing than I thought and by the way we both gasped afterwards Im guessing Fee felt them too,

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