Chapter 7 - Is This Goodbye?

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~ Seans POV ~

Today I'll just put my heart and soul into my videos. Well I do that everyday but today I need to distract myself from thinking about Fee. I think Im really starting to fall for her and we barely know eachother, she'll probably think Im creepy or some shit. I set up Happy Wheels and do my traditional introduction. I explain to the people watching that Im not really all into it today but Happy Wheels always makes me hyper and happy so I decided to play it.

After making my daily videos and uploading them, I go to social media to reply to comments and retweet things. I love communicating with the people that watch me, they're all such awesome people and are honestly nicer to me than most people. Other than Fee of course. After several hours of replying to comments I get a phonecall, I recognise the number immediately and know that something must be wrong. Its Fee's number. She said she cant text me today so she definitely cant call me, whats happening!?!

~ Fee's POV ~

The students file out of their classrooms onto the school field, the teachers taking registers in a calm fashion. Thats when I notice a form tutor panicking. I speed walk over to her.
"Who's missing!?!" I ask frantically.
She looks around worriedly "Lily."
Thats all I need to know, the fire engines arrive and tell everyone to remain on the field. I ignore them. Lily is still in there, she could be in danger. Its my fault she's in there in the first place. I run inside towards the girls bathrooms and find Lily crouching under a sink crying, one of the hand dryers is on fire. I hold out my hand and she takes it, I pull her up and under my arm, dragging her out of the burning building. There are cracking noises coming from above me, I push Lily out of the door and onto the field just as a huge plank of wood falls into the door, blocking me inside and Lily outside. I can hear Lily screaming for me. Firemen get closer. I hear the muffled, panicked voices of teachers and firemen. I look around frantically, trying to find a way out. Its no use. There isnt one. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Seans number, it takes him longer than I thought for him to pick up.
"Fee!?!" He asks worriedly.
I sniffle and smile slightly "Hey Sean."
"Are you crying? Whats wrong!?!" He asks, sounding very panicked.
"Sean, Im a councillor at the school and its on fire. Im trapped inside and I dont know if I'll survive this. I risked myself to save a student. I decided to call you to say goodbye, if this is goodbye. I think out of all the voices in the world I'd rather hear yours in my last moments, if you dont mind." I explain, my eyes burning with tears.
Sean gasps "OH MY GOD!!! Im on my way down to the school right now, hang in there Fee, Im on my way! Dont give up!"
I nod "Ok, I'll try. It does smell a little though and its very dark. Well, other than the fire. Thats another point actually, I might set on fire. That'd really suck huh?"
I can hear Sean getting in his car "You wont, Im not losing you, no way. Im half way there now, stay strong Fee."
I smile as I hear another car pull up on the school field, then I can hear Seans shouting. "Ah there you are! I'd recognise that shouting anywhere!" I laugh down the phone.
"Where abouts are you!?!" Sean asks.
"Im right by the door, look for the screaming girl being pulled away by teachers, thats the student I saved." I reply.
"Ok, I see her, Im on my way." I can hear him getting closer.
Just then another plank of wood falls down, across my leg "AH FUCK!!!" I shout.
"What is it!?! What!?!" Sean asks.
"The firemen are on their way, stay strong Fee!" Sean encourages me.
I smile as I feel weaker. "Sean...if this really is goodbye then there's one thing I really have to tell you..."
"This isnt goodbye, what do you want to tell me!?!" He asks loudly.
"I...I..." The phone slips from my hand and the room begins to spin, then everything goes black.

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