Chapter 15 - MLG Pick Up Lines

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~ Seans POV ~

Fee is literally the most perfect woman on this planet. In this universe. In this fucking SOLAR SYSTEM.

We're walking home from the bar now, its pretty cold out. Me and Fee are holding hands, she's shivering.
"Are you cold Fee?" I ask curiously.
She laughs slightly and nods "Yeah, a little. Snow isnt the warmest of things."
I laugh and wrap an arm around her, pulling he closer to me. She wraps her arms around my middle and snuggles into me. I wrap half of my coat around her too, so she's extra warm. "That better?"
She sighs happily "Much better, thanks Jacky-boy!"
"You're welcome." I reply simply, smiling from ear to ear.

When we get home we watch Wall.E and a couple other movies before going to bed. Once Im in bed Fee instantly shuffles over to me and wraps her arms around me. She's literally the cutest thing ever. I wrap my arms around her and hold her closer to me.
"Goodnight Jacky-boy!" She whispers enthusiastically.
I laugh "Goodnight Fee, sweet dreams, I love you!"
She giggles "Goodnight Sean, sweet dreams right back at ya, I love you too!" She leans upwards and kisses my cheek and I smile widely, she goes back to her previous position and closes her eyes.

My eyes flutter open when I feel something on my cheek. Fee has her hand on my cheek and she's smiling adorably at me.
"Sorry dude, did I wake you?" She asks, biting her lip apologetically.
I smile at her "Dont worry about it, Im happy to be awake!" I kiss her forehead.
She giggles "Well thats a relief!" She snuggles into me again. "How did you sleep?"
I smile wider "Perfectly actually, you?"
She nods into my chest "Perfectly too, yeah."
"Did you wanna be in one of my videos today? We could play Prop Hunt with Felix, Ken and Cry if you wanted? They invited me to play that with them today for a collab video and they said they'd love for you to join us." I ask curiously.
She nods excitedly "I'd love you to play with you nut-cases!"
I laugh and smile "Awesome, when should we play?"
She's thoughtful for a moment before she smiles devilishly. "Shall we be totally evil and call them all on skype now?"
I laugh and smile devilishly back at her "We shall!" We both jump out of bed, get dressed, have breakfast, brush our teeth and set up the camera. Then we call the guys on skype and wait.

"Why are you calling us so early Sean!?!" Felix asks sleepily.
Fee laughs "Ahem Felix, its not just Sean here! Put on a fucking shirt man jesus christ!"
Felix's eyes widen as he notices Fee beside me. He throws a shirt over his head "Sorry, my nipples are beautiful though you shouldnt be complaining!"
Fee laughs and shakes her head "After that waxing challenge they're looking a little..bald?"
Felix gasps "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!! Sean she's awesome."
I smile widely "I know right! Lets add Ken to this thing!" We call Ken on skype.
"Hey guys, what sort of time do you call this!?!" Ken asks when he answers the call.
Fee waves "Hey Ken! That beard is looking good breh!"
Ken laughs "Thanks Fee, are you playing with us today then?"
She wiggles her eyebrows "Oh no, Im not playing, Im beating all your asses! Unless you're on my which case WE are beating all their asses."
Ken laughs again "Awesome! Are we inviting Cry to this?"
Felix speaks up "I dont think we should, we need an even number of people for Prop Hunt."
I nod "Yeah,  I couldnt agree more! Ok guys, lets play!" We all set up Prop Hunt and start playing. Im a table. I smile at the camera "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is JackSepticEye and welcome to Prop Hunt! I know I dont usually do intros for collab videos but my girlfriend is gonna be in this video so I had to introduce myself and her. Everyone, this is Fee!" Fee waves at the camera before turning back to the screen. "She's a very keen gamer, as you can see! Lets do this shit!"
"Hey, hey Jack. Pssssst!" Fee whispers.
I smile "Yeah?" I whisper back.
"Over here!" She whispers. I see a can jumping in the distance.
"Im on my way!" I change into a glass bottle and travel over to her.
"Smooches!" She whispers before jumping up with her can to kiss the top of my glass bottle.
I laugh "Awww! Thats adorable! Where should we go?"
She's thoughtful for a moment "We shall go...OVER THERE!!!" She speeds over to the huge lump of grass and hides in it, I follow her.
"Great hiding spot Fee!" I say proudly.
She giggles "Thanks dude!"

"WEEEEEEE ARE THE CHAAAAMPIONS MY FRIENDS DUNDUNDUN DUN!!!" Fee cheers as she wins yet another round.
I shake my head at her "I cant believe you beat me!"
She shrugs "I didnt choose the MLG life, the MLG life chose me."
Felix laughs "So true!"
Fee smiles devilishly at the screen "Hey Felix?"
"Yeah?" Felix replies innocently.
"FOUND YA BITCH HAHAHAHA!!!" Fee shoots the cardboard box that appears to be Felix.
"GodDAMMIT!!!" Felix shouts.
Fee laughs "Who else was on your team? Ken? You're very quiet..."
Ken laughs "Just enjoying the commentary!"
Fee raises an eyebrow "Oh really? So this little MILK CARTON ISNT YOU THEN HAHAHA GOT YOU TOO BITCH!!!"
Ken laughs "Well poop."
"I think you mean, BOOPER DOOPER!!!" She does a thumbs up sign.
I laugh "Wow Fee, wow."
Felix speaks up "Gurl you're so MLG even Sanic couldnt improve your skillz."
Fee holds a hand to her heart "Thank you Felix, no really thank you. I'd like to thank everyone I've ever met, Jacki Chan, Michael Jackson and Obama for this achievement. It really is an honour. Thank you so much."
Felix nods "You're welcome!" He says, being over dramatically retardedly serious.
"Hey...hey Felix...OVER HERE!!!" Fee shouts.
Felix laughs "Fee! Fee! Im coming Fee!"
Felix laughs "YOLO BITCHES!!!' He runs across the ground towards where Fee is, I take him out. "GodDAMMIT JACK YOU COULDNT EVEN LET ME GET TO MY SENPAI!!!"
I shrug "She's my senpai, move along bitch!"
Fee giggles "Im sorry Felix, I think maybe Im just too MLG for you."
Felix sighs "Well, at least I still have Marzia."

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