Chapter Four - Zompocolypse!

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~ Seans POV ~

I answer Fee's skype call and she wiggles her eyebrows at me "Can you see me?"
I laugh and nod "Yeah!"
She smiles and sits back down and takes her headset off, I do the same "Awesome! Are you ready to be amazed by my MLG skills?"
I laugh and nod frantically "I cant wait to see what an awesome gamer you are!"
She winks at me "Well wait no longer! Lets play!" She picks up her controller and presses play, the fairground level appears on my screen.
"You're playing as Rochelle?" I ask curiously.
She shrugs "Its the only female character! You're playing as Coach? Really?"
"Only because he has a chainsaw!" I clarify.
She laughs and nods "Yeah but any character can pick up a chainsaw, you just have to find one!" She starts to run towards the tunnel of love ride on the game. "Tunnel of love, lets fuck shit up!"
I laugh and run after her "Fat men dont run very fast do they?"
She laughs "Thats one of the reasons I questioned your choice of character! Oooh, you hear that?" She wiggles her eyebrows.
I raise both of my eyebrows as I hear the sound of a witch crying "Oh shit...where is she!?!" I whisper.
Fee goes into deep concentration as she slowly edges her character down the tunnel "Fuck this, you-" she nudges another character thats being played by a computer "-go check if the cost is clear! Oh? You're too scared? Fine, I'll have to push you wont I!" She rolls her eyes and moves her character behind the other before walking forwards, pushing the other character infront of her. I start laughing. I stop abruptly when the witch jumps on the computer controlled characters head. "DONT FIRE!!! Let me handle this!" Fee winks at me and lines up her sniper. She shoots the witch straight in the head, killing her instantly. "HEADSHOT!!! MLG MLG MMMLLLGGGGG!!!"
I clap frantically and laugh "Awesome job Fee!"

~ Fee's POV ~

Me and Sean play Left 4 Dead 2 until way past midnight. Sean yawns.
"Are you tired dude?" I ask curiously.
He nods and rubs his eyes "Yeah, killing zombies all night has its disadvantages!"
I smile warmly at him "Ok, guess I'll speak to you soon then Sean?"
He smiles back at me with hopeful eyes "Tomorrow?"
I giggle "Sure Sean, I'd love to."
He smiles widely "Awesome! I had fun tonight Fee, thanks for shooting zombies with me!"
I wink at him "You're welcome, anytime! Speak to you tomorrow Sean, goodnight!" He smiles and waves before ending the skype call. Smiling to myself, I turn off my xbox, tv and laptop before shuffling to my bedroom and changing into an extra large xbox shirt and flopping into bed. I take my glasses off and place them on my bedside table before closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

~ In The Morning ~

My eyes flutter open to reveal Im in a very blurry room. I sigh and reach over for my glasses, I put them on before grabbing my phone. Sean texted me!?! 20 minutes ago!?!

Sean: Good morning Fee! 😊

Me: Good morning Sean! You're up early! 😉

Sean: You do realize its 11:30am right? 😂


Sean: Bye! 👋🏻😂

Jumping out of bed, I rush myself to wake up completely. Within 20 minutes I've showered, dried my hair, eaten breakfast, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I grab my phone and purse before running out of the door. I run across the street and down a few lanes before I reach the game shop. I hop excitedly inside.

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