Chapter 9 - Thursdays Suck Ass

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~ Seans POV ~

I wonder why she got sad about tomorrow being Thursday? She doesnt want to talk about it and thats fine, even though I wish she would tell me stuff like this. I noticed her blushing when I held her hands to keep her steady, it was the most adorable thing ever. More adorable than "I saw her standing there but she was a zombie" and thats pretty fucking adorable. I drive her home and she stares out of the window, daydreaming. She looks beautiful when she's in deep thought. She looks beautiful all the time. Wait what am I saying!?! She probably doesnt even like me in that way. But then Lily said she really really liked me, that could just mean in a best friend way though...right?

~ Fee's POV ~

I wake up and instantly curl into a ball, remembering what day it is. God I hate Thursdays. They're the worst day of the week. It sucks because Im usually super happy on Wednesdays because I love my job and then Thursday comes straight after and its like: "Shit, I was so happy..."

I sigh and heave myself out of bed, battling with my conscience about whether I should go or not. Of course I should. I have to, for my own health. If not I'd probably die and I cant do that right now, My Chemical Romance havent got back together yet. Well shit, guess Im going then. I get myself completely ready and sit on my bed, I've got 10 minutes before I've gotta leave. My phone beeps in my pocket, Sean's texted me.

Sean: Top of the mornin' to ya lassie! 😃

Me: Hey Sean, sup?

Sean: Ok whats wrong!?! 😧

Me: How do you know that something's wrong!?!

Sean: Because you arent sending any emojis with your texts, you always send emojis. 😉

Me: Dammit, you got me.

Sean: So whats wrong? 😧

Me: I just hate Thursdays, thats all.

Sean: Why? Whats so bad about Thursdays? 😕

Me: I cant tell you, sorry...

Sean: Thats alright, dont worry. Look on the bright side, you can do some gaming when you get home and tomorrow's FRIIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAY!!! 😃🎉🎉🎉

Me: Haha guess so. Thanks for cheering me up a little Sean, you're awesome. 😌


Me: Indeed it is, I gotta go now! I'll be sure to watch your videos when I get home, maybe we could do some gaming later, Mortal Kombat X ? 😱👌🏻

Sean: HELL YEAH!!! See you when you get home, have fun doing whatever you're doing Fee! 😊

Me: Oh I wont, but thats because its Thursday. Thanks for being awesome dude, bye! 👋🏻☺️

Sean: Hmm, suspicious! Bye! 👋🏻😝

I shove my phone back in my pocket and sigh before slowly walking to my car, godDAMMIT I HATE THURSDAYS!!!

~ Seans POV ~

Im really curious about Fee's phobia of Thursdays, its strange. Though Im sure if she told me why she has a phobia of Thursdays it would all make complete sense. Maybe she has to confront her fears on Thursdays? Fuck knows. I really wish she'd tell me though.

Im really looking forward to playing Mortal Kombat X with Fee later, I really like the game. Obviously the fatalities are the best thing about the game. If you havent played the game you probably have no idea what Im on about but dont worry, just look up the game yo, its fucking brilliant! The fatalities are so gory now and its amazing, the graphics are phenomenal too meaning the gore is even MORE AWESOME!!!

I record some videos and upload them to youtube before replying to comments and tweets as I did the day before. I hope Fee's ok. Im actually kind of worried about her...I mean does something bad always happen to her on Thursdays? Fucks sake I wish she'd just tell me why she hates Thursdays!

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