Chapter 2 - Basically Stalking But...Not Creepily?

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~ Seans POV ~

The girl who just performed, I think her name is Fee? Anyway, she's fucking awesome! Though Im a huge heavy metal fan, My Chemical Romance arent bad. And apparently she's a hardcore gamer! AND she wears glasses! I dont know why but I've always had a thing for girls with glasses.

Once she's off the stage all of her confidence disappears and she turns shy. She smiles at the barman. "Im gonna go now dude, thanks for letting me perform again tonight!"
The barman smiles at her "Its always a pleasure, you're welcome whenever you want!"
She giggles "Thanks man, Im gonna go see if I can find any games in my house I havent played yet to entertain myself until the game shop opens again, bye!" She waves and puts her guitar in its case, grabs her coat and leaves.
I decide to follow her, to make sure she gets home alright. I turn to David. "Hey man, Im gonna go home now, see ya later!"
David rolls his eyes "Go on, go and chase Fee!"
I blush and scoff "Im not gonna chase Fee!" He raises an eyebrow "Shut up David!" I shake my head and grab my coat before following Fee out the door. She isnt that far up the road, I cross over so Im on the opposite side. She looks really cold, she should've bought a better coat. I'd happily give her my coa-wait what am I saying!?! I've never even spoken to the girl!?!

~ Fee's POV ~

As Im walking home I notice that guy on the other side of the road, is he following me? No, of course not. Why would anyone want to follow-
"WOAH!!!" I trip over my own feet. Great job. My glasses come flying off and my guitar lands with a clang on the floor. I pull myself up to my knees and start searching frantically for my glasses. Fuck sake!
"Oh my god, are you ok!?!" Somebody asks. An Irishman, definitely.
I nod "Yeah I just...cant find my glasses, can you see them?"
The man hands me my glasses and I put them on "That better?" He smiles at me.
I smile, super embarrassed "Yes thanks, hey...aren't you that youtuber? Im sure I've seem you in the newspaper! I dont really watch stuff on youtube that often, Im too much of a hardcore gamer to leave my console." I laugh and shake my head.
He chuckles "Yeah, thats me! My name's Sean and you must be Fee, right?"
I raise an eyebrow "How'd you know my-Oh wait, the bar!" I facepalm. "Nice to meet you Sean!"
Sean laughs "Nice to meet you too, you want some help?"
I nod awkwardly and he grabs my hands, pulling me up. Unfortunately, there's ice on the ground and we both slip over, Sean lands on his back with me on top of him.
I blush a violent shade of red "Well this is awkward." I shuffle backwards and stand up "That didnt hurt did it? You are ok right!?!"
Sean smiles and jumps up "Yeah, all good!"
I suddenly remember something "Were you following me home Sean?"
He blushes and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly "I-I was just umm...making sure you got home alright.."
I giggle and for some reason his eyes practically melt at the sound "Its alright, dont sweat it Sean! I think its kinda cute actually, sure a little creepy but when is that a bad thing? Unless you're dealing with a Mad Father situation. In which case its a VERY bad thing."
Sean laughs "Oh god yeah! Im glad you aren't mad at me for it."
"Me? Mad at you for stalking me? Pssshhh!" I wink at him and he laughs. "You've played Mad Father?"
He nods "Its an awesome game, I loved it!"
My eyebrows scrunch up in thought "Is it a series on your channel?"
He smiles widely "Yeah!"
I smile "Guess you've gained a subscriber! Mad Father is an awesome game in my opinion, if you love it as much as I do then you too must be awesome so I have to watch you, Im afraid its inevitable!"
He laughs "Its a really old series, Im not that much of an experienced youtuber at that point so...beware of primitive commentating."
I roll my eyes "It cant be THAT bad! You're the most subscribed in Ireland after all, you must be THE SHIT dude!"
He shakes his head "No way!"
And then the light catches his eyes, I notice the great blue depths of them and I lose myself. In that moment, I know I cant lose contact with this man. I dont know why, I just cant.
Seans voice snaps you back to reality "Can I get your number?" He asks nervously.
I smile widely and nod "Sure, why not?" And we exchange numbers.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asks sweetly.
I nod and blush slightly "If you want to, I dont mind."
He smiles "I'd love to!" And then he walks me home.

Once Im alone in my house I collapse on the floor in a heap. Ok. WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?! I just SOCIALIZED with somebody of the opposite gender that was actually really good looking. Is this a dream!?! Good looking guys dont talk to me, thats just a common fact. Im a complete nerd, why would they waste their time on me rather than fucking some slut? Exactly, they wouldnt. After about 5 minutes of contemplating whether life is real, I decide to watch some of Seans youtube videos. I might as well get to know him better if he wants to talk to me.

Within seconds of the first video Im laughing my ass off, Im watching his Mad Father commentary and its fricken genius! He looks so young as well, even though the video was only from a year or so ago. This is a brilliant series and his commentary is fantastic! He's such a cool guy! He's extremely funny too, a very quick thinker which I like. I decide to subscribe to his channel and text him.

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