Chapter 13 - Cookies & Manly Tears

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~ Fee's POV ~

Me and Sean are officially living with eachother now, I couldnt be happier. I havent self harmed in over 3 months and my counselling meetings are becoming more bareable, Im not blaming myself as much as before. Sean's helped me a lot with that, he kept telling me it wasnt my fault, I wasnt driving, and he's really helped. He's like the best boyfriend ever, Im serious. I've featured in a couple of his youtube videos and the other fans seem to like me which is awesome, I dont get any hate! Well, none that I notice anyway.

Today Sean's playing a really sad game called "Presentable Liberty." I cried when I played it and I know Sean will with the way it ends. He plays it for an hour, completing it, and when he walks into the kitchen to find me getting cookies out of the cupboard, he's crying. I stop looking for cookies and run over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist.
"Ch-Charlotte!" He cries, thinking about the character in the game.
I nod into his hoodie "I know, I know. Shhh, its alright."
"When it ended, it made me think of you. How that c-could've been you." He cries harder.
I shake my head into his hoodie "No, you saved me Sean, remember that. Im never going to be suicidal again. Im never going to self harm again, I promise. Its alright Sean, shhhh. Have a cookie, that'll make you feel better right?"
Sean nods and pulls away, smiling slightly. I jump back to the cupboard and grab some cookies, handing them to Sean. He smiles weakly and takes a bite out of one, his mood instantly lifting. "Im gonna go record another video now, probably Happy Wheels to cheer me up. Thanks for the cookies Fee." He kisses me sweetly before strolling back to his little recording room. I knew he'd be playing for at least half an hour so I waited in the living room, playing my own video games, until I heard him shout "AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES...IN THE NEXT VIDEEEOOOO!!!" Then I jumped up and grabbed a plate full of cookies before knocking lightly on the recording room door. "Come on in Fee!" Sean cheers happily.
I giggle and open the door before walking towards him, I hand him the plate full of cookies and wrap my arms around his neck from behind, kissing his cheek. He smiles adorably "I have the best girlfriend ever!"
I smile widely and steal a cookie from the plate, quickly eating it. "Oh really?"
Sean gasps "How dare you steal one of my cookies!"
I hold my hands up in defense and begin backing out of the room "I love cookies too man, but you aint getting that one back!" I squeal before running out of the room, Sean laughing and close on my heels. He tackles me and I land on the couch, he wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek
"Im going to edit those videos and upload them, I'll be done in about an hour, once everything's done we can go out to the bar or something, yeah?" He suggests.
I smile widely and nod "Sure, I'll just continue improving my MLG skills on various games until you're done!"
Sean laughs and stands up "Have fun!"
I giggle "Will do, you too, edit fun time yay!"
Sean sighs dramatically "YEAH!!!" He says sarcastically before laughing as he walks back into his recording room.

Sean just uploaded the Happy Wheels video, I turn off my xbox and pull my laptop onto the couch with me, rushing to his youtube channel. Im laughing my ass off, as I always do when watching Seans videos, when I notice that his outro is not right at the end of the video? Sure, he usually has a little bit after the outro music and stuff but this bit is like 45 seconds rather than 10, what!?! I raise an eyebrow and continue watching. Sean's just smiling slightly and then there's a knock heard in the background. Seans smile instantly widens.
"Come on in Fee!" He shouts. Then I walk in with a plate of cookies. Oh my fucking god. Im in a video. I've been in a couple of his videos but this is different, before I actually KNEW I was in the videos! Sean is such a sneaky mother fucker I swear to god. I pull my headphones off and text Sean.

Me: I didnt realize I featured in your Happy Wheels video? Dude the fans are going to MURDER ME for being in a video Im not supposed to be featured in! 😱😭❤️ Xxx

Sean: Hahaha dont worry about it, look at the comments 😂😘 ❤️ Xxx

I raise an eyebrow and go back onto my laptop, back onto the Happy Wheels video I was previously watching. I scroll down to the comments section and my mouth falls open with a gasp.

"I need a girl like her, one that brings me cookies without being asked."
"Omfg Sean and Fee are officially my otp. Hey, that rhymed!?!"
"She's like the best girlfriend ever, she brought him COOKIES DAMMIT!!!"
"Too much cuteness. I cant handle dis. At all."
"I ship them so hard like you cant even MEASURE this shit."
"In the words of Pewds: saaaaa cuaaaaat!"

The comments are amazing, all of them are so positive! Sean literally has the best fanbase and comments I've ever seen on youtube. They support us as a couple, that means so much to both of us. I text Sean again.

Me: OH MY GOD THEY SHIP US!!! 😱😘❤️ Xxx

Sean: Haha, yep! I think our ship name is Fean, thats pretty cool! 😂😘❤️ Xxx

Me: #FEAN 😘❤️ Xxx

Sean: #FEAN4EVER 😘❤️ Xxx

Me: #FEAN69EVA 😂😘 ❤️ Xxx

Sean: #FEAN420BLAZEITEVER ✋🏻😂😘❤️ Xxx

Me: HELL YEAH!!! 😱😂👌🏻😘❤️ Xxx

Sean: I gotta get back to editing now, see you in about 20 minutes beautiful. 😍😘❤️ Xxx

Me: Awww okeee, see you soon my handsome Jackaboy! 😍😘❤️ Xxx

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