Chapter 3 - Compliments For Days!

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~ Seans POV ~

After an hour or so of being home alone, my phone beeps in my pocket. Its a text from Fee! I was wondering when and if she'd text me. When I was walking her home she seemed so cute and shy, she's also unbelievably beautiful. And she's a gamer which is fucking awesome!

Fee: Hey Sean, just watched your Mad Father series and you've gained a subscriber! Not that one really makes a difference to the 4 million you currently have, congratulations on that by the way! Your commentary is genius! 😂👌🏻

Me: Thanks so much Fee, Im glad you enjoyed it! Every subscriber matters to me, every single one has a personality and a life and is an individual, I love all of my subscribers. 😊

Fee: Well they love you too, clearly! I've seen the comments and honestly I never knew people could be so nice, I dont watch much on youtube but I know for a fact things arent always great from the people I play games with online. You're actually pretty freaking awesome, if you dont mind me saying so 😉

Me: Why would I mind you calling me awesome!?! Bosses are awesome so its awesome that you called me awesome! You play online? What co-op games have you got? 😱

Fee: Hahaha the awesome boss-ness is real! I've got Left 4 Dead 2, Minecraft, Sega Ultimate Package and Prop Hunt, just to name a few. 😂

Me: Woah, thats a pretty impressive collection! Wanna play Left 4 Dead 2 with me? 😁

Fee: Its only my favorite co-op game EVER!!! There isnt even a need to ASK!!! 😱👌🏻

Me: Did you want it to be a video for youtube or just for fun? 😉

Fee: I think for fun, so you can get used to my gaming techniques and so on. Otherwise I might stun you into silence with my MLG skillz and nobody wants to watch you staring at a screen in complete silence ✋🏻😂

Me: Hahaha, you're right thats a good point! Ok, get yourself set up and add me on xbox live. 😉

Fee: Will do, see you in the apocalypse Sean 😜

I smile down at my phone, she really likes my videos. That makes me happy. I really like her, she's an awesome girl. I feel like I've got to keep her in my life, though I dont know why. She's just...special to me.

~ Fee's POV ~

I smile down at my phone, he wants to play games with me. He's so freaking awesome. After watching his videos Im starting to like him more. Im getting to know him a lot through his videos and...I think Im starting to fa-Oh my god. No. Im not even going to say it. Its unbelievable. So wrong. We literally met today. I sigh and shake my head. To let Sean know Im all set up I'll send him a selfie, yeah why not? I cant be bothered to type out another text so a selfie is the only option here. Im sorry for being such a lazy mother fucker but I've been gaming pretty much all day, give me a fricken break!
I send him the selfie and get a text reply almost instantly.

Sean: Beautiful 😱

Me: I know right, my glasses are freaking amazing👌🏻

Sean: I wasn't talking about your glasses 😂 Are you all set up?

Me: Yep, you ready to kick some zombie ass!?! 😆

Sean: I WAS BORN READY!!! Lets do this! 😎

Me: 😂 Let me just add you on xbox live, then I'll invite you.

Sean: Ok, Im waiting! 😃

I shake my head and smile, this is gonna be awesome. I can make some references to his videos that I've watched! I quickly add Sean on xbox live and invite him, I put my headset on and speak into it.
"Yo Mr SepticEye, you there?" I ask curiously, choosing a level.
I can hear Seans laugh through the headset "Yeah, Im here! What level first?"
"I was thinking the fairground level?" I debate.
"I fucking love that level!" I can practically see Seans smiling face.
I giggle "Same, its my favorite on Left 4 Dead 2, though I do love the motorway level." Sean makes some weird sound "Da fuck was that?" I laugh.
He laughs with me "I was nodding but I now realize you cant see. Should we have a skype call going so we can nod and shit?"
I laugh and nod "Oh my fricken god I just nodded, yes its needed! Whats your skype?" Sean laughs and gives me his skype name, I quickly set up my laptop beside my tv screen and call him on skype.

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