Chapter 5 - Nerds & Coffee

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"So Fee, when are you going back to work?" Harry, the front desk man in the game shop, asks.
"Tomorrow I guess, Im looking forward to it! I need the money to buy more games so I get money for doing something I love, its brilliant!" I smile and turn my attention back to the games, 67% of which I've already played.
Harry laughs "And food, clothes, central heating, the basic things needed for survival."
I shrug "Yeah, but mostly games. I can survive 2 weeks without food, a week without water and about 3 days without central heating in the middle of winter."
"You're such a nerd Fee!" Harry shakes his head.
I smile widely "Did you only just figure that out? Usually 90% of people come to that conclusion within 5 minutes of talking to me, you've spoken to me for about 78 hours altogether AT LEAST!!!"
Harry sighs "You and your fricken percentages!"
I laugh and pick up BloodBourne. "Im gonna buy this, how much is it?"
Harry smiles and taps his keyboard "€15!"
I roll my eyes and search through my purse "Im still not used to all this Euro bullshit, moving to Ireland has fucked up my money saving skills man!"
Harry laughs and I hand him the required money "Thanks, have fun playing Fee!"
I give him a small salute "Will do Harry!" And I practically skip out of the shop. I stuff Bloodbourne into my bag before walking down to the shopping centre, fancying a morning coffee.

~ Seans POV ~

Seeing as Fee is gonna be unable to talk for a while, I might as well go do some shopping. I cross my arms over my chest to keep warm and walk to the shopping centre.

After shopping for about 20 minutes and barely buying anything I decide to go get a coffee, I love coffee more than most people. I sit at a table and drink my coffee. Strangely, I think I see Fee ordering a drink. At a more focussed glance I see it really is Fee. She orders a coffee that looks to be exactly the same as mine. She turns around and starts walking away. I quickly text her.

Me: You have good taste in coffee. 😋

She gets out her phone and stops walking. She turns on her heel to face me and smiles, texting a reply.

Fee: Hey there dude! You also have good taste in coffee. 😉

Me: Coffee is life ☕️👌🏻

Fee: YAAASSSS!!!! 😱☕️👌🏻

Me: So what did you decide to buy? 😃

Fee: Look up from your phone and I'll show ya 😜

I smile and look up from my phone, she smiles at me and pulls her bag infront of her, pulling a game our of it. My jaw drops.

Me: BLOODBOURNE!?!?!?!? 😱😱😱😱

Fee laughs, I can hear it from where I sit.

Fee: No shit! Of course its fricken bloodbourne!!! 😆

Me: I underestimated you Fee, you have great taste in games 😱😱😱

Fee: Obviously 💁🏼

Me: Why dont you come over here so we can actually talk? 😄

Fee: Im shyyy...😁

Me: But you've spoken to me before!?! 😅

Fee: I know but Im a fangirl now dammit, its your fault for being such an awesome youtuber! 😂

Me: Really? You're a fangirl already? 😃

Fee: Yeah! I watched one of your videos and you cried and fricken killed my soul inside like jeez. I over reacted. I actually started crying myself goddammit. I swear if I ever see you crying in person I will probably die on the spot. 😊

Me: Awww thats cute! I'll be sure not to cry infront of you then ☺️

Then somebody calls Fee's name. Her eyes widen and she quickly texts me before putting her phone away.

Fee: Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

My eyebrows pull together in confusion and I look up from my phone to watch as a man approaches her. She smiles awkwardly and they pull her into a bone crushing hug. She pulls away and holds her arm self consciously. The man seems eager to talk to her but she seems to want to avoid him. I know exactly what to do. I scroll down to her number on my phone and call her. She takes her phone out of her pocket and sighs dramatically at the man before saying "Sorry, I gotta take this, I'll speak to you some other time!" Then she waves at him and turn around to face at me. She signals for me to walk behind the fountain, I pick up my coffee and nonchalantly walk behind the fountain, she follows with her phone to her ear, acting like she's talking to someone. She stands next to me and puts her phone back in her pocket, she places a hand to her forehead.
"Thanks for that dude, Im SO glad I didnt have to speak to him!" She sighs.
I raise an eyebrow "Why? Who is he?"
She smiles awkwardly "One of the ex's that never quite got over me, though as you can tell Im completely over him. I'd rather never speak to him again but he lives pretty close to me and knows my address, which kinda sucks!" She laughs slightly.
I shake my head "What an ass!"
She laughs and this time its genuine "I know right!?!"
I smile at her "You arent fangirling!"
She giggles "No, it appears Im not! However I am recovering from that whole fiasco!"
I laugh "Thats true!"

We start walking around the shopping centre together, laughing, joking and just talking about anything and everything. It was perfect. Im really starting to fall for her...she's absolutely beautiful and is into everything I am, she's perfect.

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