Chapter 11 - C'MON BRING IT IN!!! HUGS!!!

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~ Fee's POV ~

I should just tell him now. Tell him how much he means to me and how thankful I am that he's here for me, that he's my best friend. Eventually I stop crying, I dont let go of him. I never want to let go of him, I just wanna keep him here forever.
Sean breaks the silence "Do you wanna stay at my place tonight, I think you'd be safer with me."
I nod into his shirt "If you dont mind."
Sean shakes his head "Not at all, do you wanna take the guest room?"

Well actually I'd much rather be with you but y'know whatever I guess.

"Yeah, that sounds cool." I reply quietly before pulling away and going to my room to pack my over night bag.

~ Seans POV ~

I should've told her how I felt right there. I should've offered her my bed.


I'd much rather have her in bed with me than by herself but she seemed ok with it and it probably would've been creepy to suggest it. Why must life be so difficult!?! She walks our of her room a few minutes later carrying a bag which I guess has her stuff in. I smile at her and she smiles back, as we walk out of her front door she notices Dylan the douchebag starting to stir. She grips onto my arm and stands behind me. We both cross the street and speed walk to my apartment. Once we're inside we let out a joint sight of relief. I show her the guest room and give her a small tour of the house, then we both part ways to go to sleep.

~ Fee's POV ~

Cant. Fucking. Sleep.


Im lonely and I need someone to cuddle me blah blah blah.

Seriously though, I do. Im so lonely right now.

Seeeeeaaaaan? Dammit, mentally calling him wont work. Not that I'd dare actually call out to him at all, Im not desperate. Ok so maybe I am, shut up.

A lot has happened these past 2 days. I really shouldnt start thinking about this stuff while Im trying to get to sleep but fuck it, I need to think about this stuff. So I could've died yesterday in a fire. I was trapped for what seemed like forever inside a burning school building. Today my ex boyfriend Dylan slapped me and I was rescued by the man I love. Thats another thing, Im inlove with a man I met this week. Great job me. Wow my life is fucked up. I start crying, everything getting on top of me. TYPICAL THAT ALL THIS TAKES ITS TOLL ON A THURSDAY FUCKING JAYSUS!!!

I thought I was crying silently until I heard a light knock on my door...

~ Seans POV ~

I really fucking miss Fee. We've been apart for a few minutes what the fuck is wrong with me!?! As Im contemplating life Im sure I hear crying. I slip out of bed and open my door silently before tip toeing down the corridor, standing outside the guest room door. Yeah, Im pretty sure Fee is crying. I knock on her door lightly.
"Yeah, come in?" She says quietly.
I open the door and step inside, glad I wore a full set of pj's tonight rather than just my pants or something. "Are you alright Fee?" I ask softly.
She turns over in bed to face me and shakes her head, her face crumbling. I run over to her and pull her into my arms. "I just got thinking about everything thats happened and it all got ontop of me." She sniffles.
I nod in understanding "Dont worry about it, thats perfectly normal. You've been through a lot the past two days, I know that. You're safe now though, I wont let anything hurt you ok?"
She nods into my shirt "Thank you Sean, for being the bestest best friend in the universe." It sounds super cute because she said bestest best and I dont know why but thats fucking adorable.
"Awww Fee thats ok, Im always gonna be here for you." I reply quietly. She just nods into my shirt again, this tells me she's falling asleep. I stand up and start walking out of the room but she grabs my hand, I look back and see she's tearing up again.
"Please dont go Sean..." She whispers, her voice breaking at the end.
I practically melt at how cute she is before walking back over to her, she shuffles over and I slip in bed beside her. She instantly curls into me, I wrap my arm around her and she sighs, smiling into my side. This is literally probably the most cute, adorable, perfect and amazing moment ever Im not gonna lie.

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