Letters to EJ (entry five)

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July 27 2019

I wrote this after I had a panic attack, i don't even know what is happening anymore......

I haven't seen you for days now EJ, How are you doing? 

I don't really have some news to tell you about my life. 

It's all been the same thing everyday since you left.

Gina and Ashley always tried to cheer me up. But nothing they do works on me.

I kinda feel bad for them. I feel like i'm a burden to everyone.

I hate that i became like this.

What did i do to deserve this?

I'm sorry for ranting out on this letter. It's just how i feel right now.

I really wish you're here with me.

Remember how i always call you everytime i had panic attacks?

Just the sound of your voice brings me comfort.

It makes me forget how shitty this world is for a while.

I really wanted to talk to you so bad

I really miss how we always overshare everything at each other.

It's like we're twins hahaha.

But now, i guess the thought of me already sickens you.

And it's my fault. 

I'm so sorry EJ. 


Notes: i know this is getting so depressing i'm so sorry you guys

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