Day 1. 6/30/22

133 8 4

Hey y'all, I listened to my subs overnight and had an interesting couple of dreams. One pertained to me being deity and StarCrest. And the other was abt my bsf/sp. I'm also listening to the deity sub rn. And every time I listen to it, I feel like this rush of energy somewhere in my body (it changes place).

I'm actually going to practice today. I plan on mastering 3 powers at a time. So the first 3 I'll be mastering are: portal creation, creatiokinesis, and teleportation. I'll spend abt 30min on each ability.

For portal creation, since I alr have experience with it, I'll follow what I normally do for it. For creatiokinesis, ig I can start by trying to create idk, can y'all give me some suggestions plz? As for teleportation, I'll start by bilocating (energetic teleportation essentially). Then once I can do that with ease, I'll move on to physical teleportation.

I'm also going to be meditating a lot during this journey. As it does help tremendously. Especially with powers that require high amts of concentration. Which all three do.

Update: I just got done practicing. I had decent success with the portal. I'm able to see my energy my clearer, which allowed me to shape it into a portal. I could physically feel the portal's sides moving against my hands in a clockwise direction. But I couldn't materialize it.

As for the creatiokinesis, it was difficult, which was expected. I tried to create a small piece of paper. I was only able to get the energy blueprint of the paper there. And it was very draining.

I wasn't able to do any teleportation practice today. The portal and creatiokinesis took a lot of energy out of me. So that means I'll have to practice that first tmrw.

Also, I found this power booster. So I'm going to be using that to boost my progress with mastering these powers.


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