Day 21. 7/21/22

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Y'all I promise I didn't forget to update yesterday. I was just hella busy. Between cleaning, shaving, and cooking dinner I didn't have much time to do anything I wanted to do. So I didn't get to practice or anything. I did listen to my subs overnight tho.

Also, smth last night kept telling me to use the humanoid spider sub instead of the spider taur sub. Idk why it kept telling me too, but I trust my intuition. So I'm gonna make the humanoid spider sub tmrw and listen to it.

I didn't rly get to practice today either. But I promise I will tmrw. I did listen to the chi sub a lot today. And that's gonna help with making portals and creating life, as it's all energy.

I also discovered this rly good artist, Penelope Scott. I rly like her songs Sweet Hibiscus Tea and Lukewarm. They've actually given me inspiration for the type of songs I wanna make. And what feel I want my songs to have. I'm actually in the process of making one rn, it's called Escape. It's based off my feelings and my life. I only have the chorus done so far tho (with the chords).

And speaking of my life, whenever I'm able to portal at least semi-efficiently, I'ma legit escape. I'ma leave my toxic ass household. And bc I'll be able to portal, I can easily get ahold of resources and get from place to place with ease. I'll also make sure I can at least create basic items like money as well. As that'll be very helpful. I don't know where I'll go yet, but I have plenty of time to figure it out. I ideally wanna leave before school starts (in August). But if I don't become at least semi-efficient by then it's fine, I'll still wait until then and the leave. For those wondering why not just stay. I can't. I thought I could wait the two years and move out when I'm 18, but I can't. My household is way to mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically abusive. And I refuse to live like that when I could leave at any time (through portalling). Do that's what I'ma do, leave. I'll let y'all know when I leave, but I won't tell (all of) y'all where. I'll only tell those I (rly) trust. Sry things got a tad serious 😅.

~Supreme Kije

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