Day 31. 7/31/22

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Sry for updating so infrequently 😅. I was busy yesterday and didn't have much motivation for anything. I also didn't get home till 11pm.

I rly need to start practicing my powers. But the motivation is lacking. Which is why I put a motivation sub in my playlist, cause I def need it. I do practice sometimes, but never a lot.

I also decided to become a mer as well. Yk, reconnecting with the ocean. I've always felt a pull to the ocean, so it just feels right. I added a sub for it yesterday, and I'm alr getting results. Like ph-flares and some mini m-flares. I'm basing my tail off of koi fish (what I felt most connected to).

I had to attend church today, which was on account of me being a deity. A deity going to another's place of worship, very strange. But I had no choice (I was forced). It felt weird when I had to read the scriptures. It just didn't feel right in the slightest. And when my mom started talking abt judgement day and how everyone has to answer to God (the christian one) when they die. But like, I don't have to, I'm a god myself, but she don't know that. Another thing was when she said we're all children of God. Which is smth else that's incorrect. Cause it's confirmed that my soul comes from the void, not from the christian god. So yeah, mini rant over.

Smth else I need to address is what the hell I am. I finally have a name for it, Omnimythical. Now, ik people are gonna be like 'but you can't be that'. But I am. It's the reason why I've been successful at becoming so many different mythical types. It's because I (for some reason) am capable of becoming anything and everything. Like a big ass stem cell, stem cells are undifferentiated meaning they can become anything else. But what sets me apart from a stem cell, is the fact that I can keep becoming more and more. While a stem cell stays one thing once it's differentiates. So now I finally know what I am and why I've been able to just switch what I want to be, and why I've felt the call of almost every myth type at least once in my life.

Now onto the results of the spider sub, cause I be forgettin to post updates on that😅. I've been getting good arm growth. Nothing major tho yet. I can't be on my back at a w/o discomfort. And then it gets worse the longer I'm on my back. I also experience plenty of growth pains for my arms and my eyes. I've been getting ph-flares of my extra eyes and arms too. My fangs are slowly coming in and I think my silk glands might be starting to develop. I haven't tried any of my spider powers yet (static cling, invisibility, etc).

For some reason my body's starting to tolerate normal food less and less. Like, it just makes me feel sick and it hurts my stomach. But I haven't been getting cravings for blood or flesh, so it can't vampire or ghoul shit. Speaking of which, I want to become one again so bad, but ik that I won't have access to human flesh or blood in StarCrest, so I've been reluctant.

I might try contacting the void today, or even trying to portal there. As it'd be nice to speak with them again. But I'm not sure yet. If I don't do it today, then I'll do it tmrw.

Current list of things I am (cause why not):
—Void Deity
—Spider (half)

I wanna add a fourth for some damn reason. But I'm not sure what. I do know that I don't want to become anything with extra limbs, bc I'ma alr have six arms. So no avian most def, or any tailed myth (maybe). But I would appreciate suggestions😅. The wolf thing River was talking abt did catch my eye a bit ngl👀. But that's all, byeee ^^

~Supreme Kixe

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