Day 3. 7/02/22

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I didn't get to practice today or yesterday. Cause I've been at a sleepover. I was able to listen to my subs today tho. So that's good. I'm gonna have another chapter or two in the StarCrest. Which will be on different types of spirits that exist within StarCrest.

Also, these shadow spirit things keep following. I asked for advice in this server I'm in. And smb said that they might be coming through the portals I'm making when I practice. Which makes sense since my destination is always the void. Since it's the closest place to me. And it was also stated that they could be accidental creations or some form of follower.

And speaking of practice, I did actually try to make a portal cause I was bored (with no prior meditation). And I was doing good. I could see the portal starting to expand outward. But I couldn't hold my concentrate enough to open it. But it's progress nonetheless.

~Supreme Kije

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