Day 29. 7/29/22

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Y'all sry for not being any bit of in three days😅. I had gotten my electronics taken (over sum dumb shit). But I'm not even gonna get into that. No need to get myself fire up again.

With the advent of my mom taking my shit away, I was able to take a mental break from subs I guess. Which probably gave my brain a well deserved break. So I think I'll get much faster results now.

I did practice a tad during that time. I meditated yesterday and the day before. Yesterday I meditated outside in the grass, to reconnect with nature yk, which helped a lot energetically and mentally. I did a sleep meditation the night before, which was also nice. I practiced energy working and only a tiny bit of half-assed portal practice. But I'ma do some serious practice as well.

I've been having some interesting dreams as well to say the least. I can't remember most of them. But in one of them I had made my pocket dimension in a fit of rage. And the dream just covered like doing shit in there. It was pretty too. It was a library, house, Dunkin donuts, Starbucks, and Dairy Queen all in one. And it was located in the middle of a clearing in a forest. One of ym dreams also introduced a (possible) new way to create life. Which is to create a soul first and then infuse/implant the soul into a vessel. And the way I did it in the dream looked like it could work. I had used it to create flower sprites.

Also, I remade Kasao (this is what happens when I don't have internet access /jbs). It's now named Axnea [aʃ.'nɛ.a]. It has its own og writing system and everything. But it's all documented on paper rn. I might make an online version. Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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