Day 13. 7/13/22

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I haven't had the time or privacy for practicing today. And I probably won't for a couple days. But I have had plenty of time to listen to subs, work on Lifenna, Kasao, and the Pana i'Kije. I currently have most of the first chapter done for Pana i'Kije, which is my origin story. I never knew it'd be so hard to write about myself😅, when it's literally my life.

The dragon dreams are becoming more surreal. And I'm getting hella growth pains in two spots on my upper back and right on my tailbone. And that shit hurts. I've also had a couple ph-flares of a tail and wings today.

We got our second pre-move myth who's joined a country rather than create their own or chose to be wild. Which is quite nice to see. For anyone wondering, they joined Osthairince.

Also, we have finally have a second council of religious, paranormal, and esotericism member. So that makes three people in the Order. A deity, polyshifter, and a Nephilim. Hopefully we get more Order members before the move. As that means I won't have to create a shit ton of members on top of everything else.

I'll write some more chapters of StarCrest tmrw. Since I have like 8 drafts ready to be finished and published.

~Supreme Kije

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