The Global Citizen

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1. United Nations statistics suggest that about a billion people are illiterate (a fifth of the

world's population). Providing education for all would cost only an additional $7 billion

a year—about what the United States spent in a month for the war in Iraq. Name one

thing you might expect to change if everyone in the world could read and write. Briefly

explain your answer.

I believe that every country's economy would significantly improve if everyone in the world could read and write. I believe this because the economy is heavily dependent on jobs and employment rates. If everyone is able to read and write, then more people would be able to get a job. This would increase employment rates and give people the opportunity to spend money, which would aid in the circulation of money, and thus improve the economy. Alongside, while these people are being taught to read and write, the economy would also be improving. Teachers would be needed, schools would be needed, uniforms would be needed by some. All of these things would require workers to create them or complete the task. The need for these workers would, again, increase employment rates and thus help the economy.

2. Read the quotes from both speakers. Then, answer the questions.

"The media, especially television, is only out to shock its audience. Fire, floods, famine,

wars are great ratings! People are fascinated by this stuff. People don't really know

anything more about the world by watching the news. They just feel grateful not to live

in these troubled places. Sure, you might feel guilty enough to send money to some

charity, but then you turn off the TV and forget about it. What do you really know

about these people and places? There's no thoughtful consideration of the issues as far

as I can see."

"The news today is a great source of information on issues of global concern. Whether

discussing global warming, the latest peace treaty, or the struggles of a political activist,

many newspapers invest considerable time and effort to keep Canadians aware of

what's going on with their 'global neighbours.' Specific global problems have been

solved, political prisoners freed, famine victims assisted, and governments pressured

into change as a result of increased world pressure caused by public awareness through

excellent media coverage."

a. Which speaker do you agree with most? Why?

I agree with the second speaker the most. While I do agree with the second half of the first speaker's quote, I disagree significantly with the first half. However, I completely agree with the second speaker. The news is a great way to get information and really spread awareness. It's a great way for people to get financial, emotional or mental support. A great example of this is the BLM protests. Due to the fact that the news and media covered these protests, awareness spread like wildfire throughout the world. More people began joining the protests and spreading information for safety. More people began starting their own protests. And because of all of this awareness and information brought to us by the news and media, during the election, this topic was brought up often and politicians around the world were pressured to take action, speak out, and make a change in their country.

b. Where do you get your information on global events?

I get most of my information on global events from either social media or a wide variety of news channels.

c. Which news sources do you find the most reliable and why?

In my opinion, most of today's news channels provide biased views. For example, Fox News is extremely biased towards Donald Trump and the Republican party. If I just watched Fox News, my opinion on Donald Trump would also be biased based on the information Fox News would give me. For that reason, I think when watching the news it's really important to watch many different channels. However, even if I watch all the channels out there, I would not call news channels the most reliable. Personally, I think social media is the best form of news. If someone is experiencing an issue and the news is not covering the issue appropriately, people can directly post what is happening. There is no middle person conveying the story so we know that nothing is left out or altered. Alongside, it is a quicker and more convenient method to see all sides of the story.

3. When Iqbal Masih was 4 years old, his desperately poor parents sold him into slavery for

less than $16. For the next six years, he remained shackled to a carpet-weaving loom,

tying tiny knots from 4 am to 6 pm. Carpet factory owners prefer child workers because

their tiny fingers make the smallest, tightest knots and hence the best carpets.

When he was 10, Masih contacted the Bonded Labour Liberation Front, a private group

fighting against child labour in Pakistan, and he was able to escape from the factory. By

age 12, he was free and travelling the world in his crusade against the horrors of child


But, for freeing thousands of children through his courageous global campaign, Masih

received threats from people in the powerful carpet-weaving industry. In 1995, only

months after Masih had received worldwide attention and recognition, he was shot

dead. His killers were never caught.

a. Why do you think Iqbal Masih was murdered?

I believe Iqbal Masih was murdered because they stood up and made a change. Unfortunately, we live in a world where people choose to abuse their power and hurt anyone who questions them. Iqbal did exactly that, they brought a light on the issue and saved many children from suffering through what he did. His bravery, determination and success scared people who were struggling to abuse their power and the easiest way to ensure that they were able to maintain their power and continue their abuse, was unfortuantely to murder Iqbal.

b. Why do you think children are more likely to be abused than adults?

I believe that children are more likely to be abused than adults because they are an easier target. They don't know much compared to an adult so it's easier to abuse them. 

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