Contemporary Global Concerns

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1. Many of the casualties in modern wars and conflicts have been civilians. Why do you think this is?

I think that many of the casualties in modern wars and conflicts have been civilians because they cannot protect themselves the way the military can. For example, a soldier would have arms to defend themselves with and training that they can use when at risk. A normal civilian, however, would not have many of those things.

2. What is an "ecological footprint"?

An ecological footprint is the impact of a person or group of people on the environment. It is typically measured by how many Earths humanity would require if everyone lived the way you do.

3. Many Indigenous people in Canada have become more self-governing. What does this mean?

In the Constitution Act, it states that Indigenous people have the right to self-govern. Before colonization in Canada and the arrival of Europeans, Indigenous people had their own government and laws. Once the Europeans arrived, Indigenous people were forced to follow their laws and government. As Canada wishes to reconcile with Indigenous people, it has given them something it took back: the right to practice their government and laws. Negotiation, contracts and land laws for Indigenous people will be dealt with by Indigenous people. Things like education, culture, language, business will all be under Indigenous people and their laws.

4. When do democratic governments have the right to stop protests? Give an example in your explanation.

Democratic governments have the right to stop protests when it threatens democracy. A perfect example of this is the United States capital breach. The breach happened because a group of people were not happy with the election results and wanted the person they voted for to win. The extent that these "protesters" went to was outrageous and they threatened democracy and people's safety with their demands, motive and actions. This example clearly shows a protest that threatens democracy and should have had government interception.

5. The United Nations logo on its flag represents the continents of the world, surrounded by olive branches. What do the olive branches symbolize?

Olive branches symbolize peace.

6. Do you think Canada could be a better global citizen? Briefly explain your answer

I believe that Canada could be a better global citizen. Canada does many things greatly but an area we severally lack in Indigenous Protection. Unfortunately, there are many issues that Indigenous people face, like the numerous kidnappings and murder of women and the lack of clean of water in many reserves. The Indigenous population is on a downward trend and we will soon be at risk of losing their cultures and traditions. After the extreme oppression Indigenous people have faced in Canada, it is even more important to ensure that they are safe, respected as Canadian citizens and Indigenous people, and are happy living in Canada, for the sake of reconciliation. Things like the pipeline that is being built on Indigenous lands without their permission is absurd and things Canada needs to stop to become a better global citizen. It is evident that without these necessary actions, Canada will never become the best global citizen it can be. 

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