Prologue - Blazing

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Scott glided down to his Nether portal and cautiously stepped through. The purple particles engulfing him as the atmosphere turned stuffy and hot. It was a wonder how people managed to live in here! The mothling brandished a small iron axe as it approached a blaze spawner and perched on a brick fencepost while waiting for the fiery nether-dwelling creatures to spawn.

He briefly forgot about his shield but took it out. It was small, like himself! Scott had scratched a few little pictures into the back as he waited.

"Aaaaaany minute now..." Scott tapped the metal edge of the shield, staring at the glowing cage in the centre of the room.

A minute passed before the cage gave a warm burst of fire as a few blazes were summoned, the mothling raised their weapon and swiftly attempted to strike a blaze. Scott leaped off the post as he was begining to become cornered, but a blaze snagged his wings and set them alight. Scott yelped and patted them out hurriedly.

"Woahh woah woah, that hurt-" He gritted his teeth and dashed behind his portal, yet a blaze trailed behind. The spawner flared up again and more creatures filled the room. Scott's axe clashed with a blaze's rod, sending flaming sparks everywhere. He tucked his delicate wings in close to his back to prevent any more burns.

He needed to get out of here.

Scott leapt for the portal, but a ball of fire came hurling at him, enveloping his figure. The mothling screeched as the flames consumed him and his vision quickly faded to black.

Respawn pending...


FANGS is NOT getting a rewrite, but i have some better chapters already written.

Word count: 283

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