Chapter Five - Flightless Fairy

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It had been a boring few days. Nobody visited and there really wasn't much to do in the day. Scott had occupied himself by decorating, he could at least make the house look cute. There was now a dining table, a small waiting area to watch the sun go by, and a cool place upstairs next to his coffin. It had the same red tartan carpet and two sofas. It was like being extra boujee, because he had extra sofas in his bedroom. Like- nothing screams material girl more than having a sofa in your bedroom. And he had two. Scott was interupted by a small voice that was recognisable as Joey outside. He walked to the door and opened it.

"Oh-" They both said in unison. Joey seemed to be some small fairy type thing, minus any visible wings. He must have been confused while looking at Scott too. For all Joey knew, the moth was still alive. An awkward few moments passed between the two of them.

"You're a vampire, Scott? Come out here then!" The fairy chirped while practically dancing in the sunlight, Scott shook his head uneasily. The sun made him feel sick. "I prefer being here- in the shade."

Joey frowned, "Aww, alright."

"But I could bring you inside," Scott offered kindly. The fairy took a few steps back, "Im scareddd-" He complained, his voice really didn't say that. But it definetly said 'fully gay man right here', probably because he was.

Scott rolled his eyes with a smile and the same purple mist surrounded Joey, he screeched and swatted at it. The vampire walked inside and teleported, sure it was a few seconds of sun time but at least he wouldn't have to have an argument. He made his way back inside and looked at the fairy who was extrememly confused. Joey looked up at Scott with large eyes.

"Can you make me fly?" Joey asked, his voice light. "During the day- no." He responded sadly. "At night time then??" Joey kept asking. Scott shrugged, "Sure-"

"I'm a fairy that can't fly." He said sadly, looking down at his shoes. Scott couldn't see any visible wings on him either. "My wings are glued to my back. Don't ask how, or why." Joey added as Scott looked closer, there were a pair of small green leaf-like wings. 

"Would you like a tour, Joey?" Scott asked the small figure, he nodded slowly, "Why not?"

For the next few hours, Scott and Joey had chatted and entertained themselves while the night crept up on them. He had promised that he'd take the fairy 'flying' at night. There was a close call when Scott was running low on blood, Joey hid under a sofa upstairs until the vampire dealt with himself. Perks of being ungodly short, you could say. A small conversation blossomed about the heads outside, it ended with Joey creating an alliance with Scott, so that was nice. One time, the fairy got stuck in the coffin upstairs. There wasn't an immediate rescue.

Apparently Joey had visited the butterfly enclosure and nearly killed all inhabitance inside that past Scott had built. Sure, he hated the moth. But it was still his stuff. An argument sprouted from there.

"How about this; you give me some of that wood you used on the butterfly place and I don't kill them all?" Joey offered brightly. It was a bright cyan wood with white bark.

"Are you blackmailing me, Joey? Blackmailing me?" Scott asked with a sour tone and the familiar purple mist gathered around the fairy.

Joey rolled his eyes, "Where're you gonna take me? I don't take fall damage~" They taunted and spun around.

"No, but I think lava might-"

"NOOOOOOO-! Please no! NoT thE lAvA!"

"How about you just pay for the wood?"

"Listen! I'm just a little fairy and I don't have much, but what I do have is some cincinnati ingots." Joey said and held a few small buttery-gold coloured ingots.

"Sure, I'll take some of that." Scott gave in, "But we'll have to go to my storage room. C'mon." He began toward to front door and opened it, the sky was a fading sunset orange. The moon would rise any moment now, and what a convenient time! Joey clambered onto Scott's head as a rush filled him,

"You ready?"


The vampire leapt into the sky and over a few trees, towards his storage room. Joey's mouth was left wide open as he finally experienced the closest thing he could to flight. "Woahhh-" They gasped while taking in the view. The two of them landed and rushed inside of the tall building. Scott forgot for a moment that Joey was on his head and rammed him into the door frame. 

"OwwWW!" Joey cried and jumped off of Scott. Scott was already looking through chests, grabbing what was left of the cyan tree. 

"Here you go." He said then handed Joey what was left, Joey tossed the ingots back in return.

. . .

The fairy had requested a ride home, so Scott did just that. Finally, the pesky insect was out of his way. He did leave a pleasant reminder with them too. Well, a threat really. Just saying that he was a bad guy. Doing bad things. And not helping the local villagers or chatting with fairies. Nup. To be fair though, eating the fairy would not provide much blood. Not worth it. Oh but Scott! That was still really nice! No. He was playing the long game. Joey thinks they're friends. Now when he murders them it'll be a big surprise! Scott gave a very weak evil laugh. Pathetic, even.

But that sounded like a lot of effort, to be fair.


Sorry I was missing for a few days yall. My mum caught Covid and dad is working a lot. So as the oldest child I'm ReAlLy ReSpOnSiBlE and have to do ALL the chores! No breaks!

It sucks

My motivation is draining, sadly. So there will be larger breaks between chapters. I do hope to get onto my storyline soon though. Scott really isn't much of a bad guy lol, the gay man is too sweet.

Dispite his criminal mind, this man his behaving well. His reward is the canoe
This time he can sit in the canoe for up to an hour.


Word count: 1036

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