Chapter Ten - Catching Fire

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The Wyvern crossed his arms. Only now did Scott really notice what he was wearing. Tough looking armour that barely fit, thick pants and a grubby white shirt that looked burnt in places. His eyes went back up to Joel's face. Crimson metalic liquid leaked from his mouth and down his chin. Joel probably went on a little blood-hunt before arriving at Scott's manor.

"I- I've got the stuff!" Scott laughed awkwardly and retreated under the balcony, but Joel grabbed his shoulder and brought him back into the approaching sunlight. A sly smile spread across the dragon's snout, sharp bloodstained teeth glittered menacingly in orangey-purple rays.

"You're not getting any shade until I know I'm not all fangy anymore, vampire." Joel hissed. Scott quickly started searching for the green vial, it was in one of his coat pockets, he stuffed it into one of Joel's clawed hands.

"Now this doesn't look poisonous." Joel rolled his eyes.

"I swear it isn't! I tested it!" Scott lied.

Joel raised a scaley eyebrow, "You're not a vampire?"

"I didn't say that-"

"So it doesn't work."

"It does! I was always a vampire. You're infected. Trust me." Scott said in a rushed tone, panic began to fill his voice again. Surely that sappy Mumbo guy didn't lie to him.

"Trust you? HA! You bit me!" Joel laughed gruffly and brought the potion up to eye level. "Then again, only one way to find out."

The Wyverian popped off the cork and downed the bottle in one go, "Egh- weird." He said and stuck out his tongue as if the liquid had burnt it. Joel shook his head and threw the empty vial into the bushes, the glass shattered.

The sun was now peaking over the horizon, Scott could feel his skin heating up, the black and red coat he wore was now smoking, it felt like his eyes were melting his sockets too.

"Shade! Please!" The vampire begged while squirming around in Joel's strong grasp. He didn't want to die to fire again. That's how the moth died. Went up in a fire. Scott wasn't ready to lose his second life yet, he still had things to do! Like- uhm, was there anything he needed to do? Or was this just him trying to find an excuse to keep tormenting players around the server. He'd already angered a dragon, bitten an insane Avian, murdered an angel (or just a got tier elytran), killed a villager without a real reason, and so much more.

Joel's mouth twisted in thought, "Nahh. I don't need you anymore. Hopefully that stupid little potion worked. If not, I'll find you on your next life and kill you again." He grinned and threw Scott onto the ground then crouched down and lay a hand on Scott's chest. Orange rays of light filtered onto the two of them. Scott muffled his cries as fire spread through his clothing and onto his skin.

The vampire wailed, twisting under Joel's grasp while the blaze quickly drained the life out of him.

Respawn Pending...


Catching Fire.

My vision was a blazing red and orange.

Funny. This could have been beautiful if it wasn't for the belligerent pain consuming me.

I'm going to miss this, aren't I?

Life, not death.

The fire was very welcome to never appear again.

But the freedom of the night..

I can't let go of that. Not again.

It's dark now. I can't feel anything.

I see something glittering in this void. Wings? But I can't fly!

"You used to. Now go. Take flight."

They're gold.

And a halo?

This could be my chance to live again.

To see the pearly moon and all of its stars.

Possibly the sun too.

That might be nice.

Maybe this is when I change.

It's a new leaf.

A new life.


Sequel coming soon. Or when I feel like it. Maybe never.
This was a short, but fun adventure! I hope you all enjoyed it!

I wanted to end vampire Scott's life with a poem, is it okay?


MINI UPDATE: No sequel (at least for a while). My friend and I are going to be making an Empires Swap AU. Her account is FlickeringCandle1. My story will be in Scott's POV, hers will most likely be in Lizzies. Yes, Scott and Lizzie will interact a bunch. Cya then!

Word count: 690

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