Chapter Eight - Another Fanged Friend

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Scott watched at the moon rose into the sky from his front porch. He needed to find something to help Joel, r more like something to save himself from a claw to the neck. Scott shivered at the thought. His ribs still screamed, but he was able to move into the moonlight, as the light seemed to ease the pain slightly.


"Fudge." A voice said from a bush beside the manor, Scott didn't have the energy to investigate. Luckily he didn't have to. A tall man with messy hair stumbled out from the overgrowth and onto the path in front of Scott. They stared at each other for a good 10 seconds. The man was the first to speak.

"Uhm, sorry for this interruption-" He said. His voice was very British. He wore a finely tailored suit with red powder covering it. Dull torches stuck out of his pockets, and a black bushy moustache sat beneath his nose. Scott, once again, didn't have enough energy to respond. The man awkwardly walked over to him and stuck out a hand.

"Mumbo Jumbo, you can call me Mumbo." He smiled. Now that Scott was looking more closely at him, he noticed that Mumbo had red eyes, pointed ears, and fangs. 

"You're.. a vampire. Like me." Scott said gruffly.

"Yup! Not naturally though. I'm a redstoner you see. I was messing around with some redstone until Grian, my friend, handed me some kind of orb. Bing bang boom, here we are now!" Mumbo explained happily, taking back his hand, "Don't worry, I've got the hunger stuff dealt with." He presented a green, fizzing potion bottle from thin air.

Scott tilted his head, "What does it do-?"

"Oh, it's simple!" Said the redstoner, "It kind of cancels the needs of vampires. Blood-hungry? No longer! Timberphobia? Not a problem!" Mumbo grinned to the point his lips might split if he smiled any wider. 

Scott's eyes widened, "What if bitten vampires drank it-" He asked cautiously.

"They're vampire no longer! Oh, and I didn't get your name!" 

"Scott. Scott Smajor." He informed him. This 'Mumbo' fella didn't seem too bad.

"Scottish I'm assuming. But the reason I am here! On accident! My friend Grian and I got into an argument and he sort of.. flew off? Yeah. That contraption of mine got him and now he's more bird than ever! I seriously need some help finding him-" Mumbo mumbled while tapping his fingers on his trousers. Mumbo had provided a way to solve the problem with Joel and the bite Scott gave him. He nodded and tried standing up but instantly regretted it. Scott nearly screamed and fell back down onto his back. Another shot of pain.

"Ooh- broken ribs, got into a bit of a pickle, didn't you? I'll give you a healing potion if you promise to help find Grian" Mumbo said while drawing a bubbling pink potion from his coat. Scott nodded. "Here. A safe one." He handed Scott the bottle and he downed it in a couple gulps.

You could practically hear the bones clicking back together, ribs snapping into position, and it wasn't even painful! Scott jumped up and hugged Mumbo, "Right. Thank you." 

"Buuuuuut now about that green potion thing. Could I perhaps... take it off your hands?" Scott grinned, staring at the green bottle that now sat in his chest pocket. Mumbo gave him a hesitant look before passing the bottle to him. It practically vibrated in his hands as Scott took a closer look. 

"Does it possibly work on dragons?" Scott gave Mumbo a side smile.

"Should? I've only tested in on myself and Scar. He volunteered to go all fangy so I could turn him back! Actually, that reminds me of the time..." 

The redstoner kept talking and talking about his contraptions. Time machines, robot children, a base with a golden heart that beats, and something about 'grumbot and drumbot', but Scott had already gone back inside by the time he started that story. Scott pulled off his long black and scarlet cape and put on a crimson knee-length coat, then picking up the black umbrella leaning against the chair he'd previously began to shred. He dramatically threw open his front door and walked back outside, his arms open wide to make his return clear.

"You needed help finding grain? Let's go!"

"It's Grian."

"Oh yeah, Grian. Sorry about that."

"Anyway! To the forest!" Mumbo declared and turned back to the bushes behind Scott's manor.


Omg? A CROSSOVER chapter?? With VAMPIRE MUMBO???


Yes, I do have an idea for next chapter, and it will possibly stretch into two chapters. Also this might just become the regular length of the chapters now. I cant be bothered writing 1200+ words every time ;-;


Word count: 780

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