Chapter Seven - The Wyverian

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Scott was entertaining himself by slowly tearing scraps of wood off of a chair. It was a slow process but passed the day anyway. Boredom was more likely to kill him than the sun at this point. Even a ray of natural light would set him on fire, obviously not ideal. Burns were hard to get out of clothes, you know. A small chunk from the top of the chair was now scattered on the floor. Scott stopped and processed what was actually happening. He was ruining a perfectly good chair. How dare he.

Sunset light dimly shone onto the floarboards. Scott groaned and stood up, just in time to see a large shape stalk past a window, then a thundering roar sounded. The windows rattled violently and Scott stumbled to the door, he swung it open only to be face to face with a dragon. Origin wise, Wyverian. Or just a wyvern. They sort of looked like a dragonborn, but with wings and a tail. Their scales were black, fading to a toxic green on the arms and legs. Black wings, and a brown glare tinted with a bright red. Either way, it was Joel.

"SCOTT!" Joel yelled and grasped the vampire, "TAKE IT BACK!"

Scott was silently staring at the dragon with wide eyes, this must've been who he'd bitten while trying to escape the treasured cave.

"TAKE IT BACK!" He kept shouting and shaking Scott.

"I-I'm sorry Joel!" Scott stuttered, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Of course he knew what he was talking about. The bite. A vampire bite. You know, infectious, probably causes random murder-y moments. An appetite for blood. The usual stuff you have to suffer through as a 'duke of the night'.

Joel turned his head to the left, a small bite mark with very obvious fang piercings were on the soft part of his skin.

"Ring any bells, vampire?" Joel hissed and dropped Scott. He quickly nodded while stumbling to keep on his feet, Scott held a hand to his head, a headache was starting to form.

"I can't take it back, Joel. Try thinking of it as an upgrade..!" Scott laughed nervously and began to step backwards toward his front door. Joel grabbed Scott's arm tightly.

"Upgrade? Upgrade?" I nearly murdered Fwip! My dragon buddy!"

"Okayyy I know this sounds bad... and I'm reaaallyyyy not in the position for lying right now. But you're stuck like that until you get another origin. Maybe. Or forever." The vampire said and tried prying his arm from the dragon's grasp. That didn't work. Why did he think it would? Because Scott it stressed. Panicking. He could die right now. It's a dragon. The only reason he didn't die last time is because a stupid blood rush happened.

Joel laughed sarcastically and threw Scott at the wall next to the door. Scott fell to the ground, gasping, his vision was starting to get cloudy.

"Please- don't kill me- I'll find a way to take it back!" Scott wheezed then inhaled sharply. A burning pain stung his ribs. Joel laughed again and bent down beside Scott, ruffling his silver hair, his claw then traced Scott's jawline slowly and painfully. He could feel warm blood leak from the cut and run down his neck.

"Tomorrow night. I'll be back. Waiting." The Wyverian hissed and stood back up. Joel walked into the open and flared his obsidian black wings, moonlight glinting off them. He leapt into the sky and roared one last time while flying away.

Scott almost burst into tears, but he had to keep it in. The pain was immeasurable. Broken ribs, cut face, and apparently wyverns were poisonous. Who knew was were on those claws. The vampire slowly curled up into a ball on his front porch. Salty tears slid down his cheeks, seeping onto the cold planks below.


This is what yall came here for! Might be a short chapter, but a good one! (hopefully!)

Hehehe till next time. Tomorrow? Next week? A months time? dunno.


Word count: 666

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