Author Notes

366 6 1

Sorry for the lack of chapters! Life is stressful at the moment. I'm currently working on chapter 7 (and yes, this is officially breaching onto my own plot!) so you can all wait for that! Devices have been banned from my room, and I cant go on them at night. This really shortens the amount of time I can work on this fanfic.

I hope you understand!

I'm always open for ideas! Plot, other fanfics, something new maybe? 

I have a rp with my friend about Empires S2 Scott and Lizzie (because I only watch Scott, she watches Lizzie and Joel) which is then forged with S1. I'm not gonna spoil it too much, but there is ~angst and drama~. Hehe I'll only make it into a fanfic on here if somebody tells me to.

Because I'm lonely.

And stuff.



Oher stuff:
I have a TikTok!: Pesky_Birrrd (visual is Phantasma)
a WCUE TikTok aswell!: angelicmumble._.wcue
TWITCH! I never stream but yk: PhantasmaSoot

also got Pinterest, Deviantart, Youtube, but who cares about that.

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