Chapter Two - A Lust for Blood

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It was day. Scott had completed a new base for himself as the moth lantern no longer suited his new vampire origin. 'The Manor', it was called. The building stood tall and vast, it was built with a dark colour palette that Scott was growing fond of. He stood outside his new home to get a better look. There were dead trees and such surrounding it for a better 'I'm evil!! Stay away from mee!!' vibe. It worked, so far.

He walked inside and looked around, trying to decide if anything didn't fit. The kitchen had nothing but a crafting table in it. Two upside down chandeliers were beside the front door, inside of course. A red stitched, tartan-looking red carpet. Below the stairs was empty but it was planned to be turned into a living room area. Scott walked up the stairs and looked at the high ceiling then down at his.. well, coffin. A bed didn't really suit a vampire, but the coffin really added to the undead aesthetic. Another carpet was to the left in another open room, nothing in it yet. The Manor was looking very nice!

Scott went back outside onto the perch, "This is feeling really cute so far!" He chirped.

"Buuut it's still daytime. So I will proceed to hiss from a window." Scott complained and went back inside while doing that. Staring out a window and pathetically hissing at the sun. Nobody knew why he did that, but Scott felt like he should. 

. . .

The sun was setting and Scott waited outside. Lizzie had died while his former moth self was still living. Apparently she had a shop in the End that sold odd plants and he wanted to see if he could use any of them for decoration because why not. The End portal was rather far away, so long leaps and boat seemed like an efficient way of travel at this moment in time. Scott continued to use his long jumps to get to the ocean then placed a boat. Who knew how long it would take. Last time, he could fly. That little luna moth, fluttering around. Ugh. Scott could only now see how poorly of a life it lived, now that he was in another perspective. Flying around, eating leather?! How could one eat such a gross thing! Blood was much, much better. Scott grinned as he imagined the delicious metallic liquid filling his mouth, warmth spreading through his body. Fangs piercing the flesh of whoever fell into his path.

"Ohhh I could go for a little snack right now.." Scott wished longingly while staring at the moon rising above the water in the distance. He looked down into the ocean and spotted a school of cod swimming beneath him. Scott's red eyes flickered even brighter. He stood up in the boat and took off his long cape then dived into the freezing water. It was a shock at first but his lust for blood drew him deeper, the cod were dashing away but Scott managed to grasp one by the tail. He floated in the ocean water while violently ripping into the fish's body. Blood spilled from the poor mob creating cloud of red in the water. The vampires eyes finally dulled down again and Scott rushed to the surface, clambering onto the small wooden boat. He glared at the blood in the water.

"I did that." Scott spoke slowly and quietly.

"I didn't control that." He wrapped his cape around his frigid body, a sort of disbelief filled his voice. But still, it felt so good. Red metallic liquid dripped from his fangs and ran down from the corner of his mouth. Scott licked the remaining blood from his mouth and fingers before continuing his journey to the end portal.

It took some time before Scott arrived, so it better be worth it. Those End plants have to at least look okay. He looked over the edge of the pit that lead down and jumped. The speeding air sent his cape and hair wild. The portal made a whooshing noise as he was teleported into the End, the sky was white and purple here instead of the usual void, it came with whatever mods were in this world. Sadly, it counted as daytime. Scott yelped while looking down into the infinite mess of space, usually he'd be able to fly. No. Don't think about the moth. He scolded himself and balanced on the thin plank bridge that went over to the main End island, good thing the dragon was dead.

"Yeahhhh this is terrifying.." Scott mumbled nervously while carefully walking across, he jumped onto the main island and sighed thankfully. Now starting toward one of the mini portals that lead to Lizzie's flower shop, Scott started questioning how many customers she got. It was in the End, after all. Not the safest place. And rather lonely, excluding the absurd amount of endermen that specked the dimension. Another whoosh of void and he was there. Finally, a decent staircase. Pink. Cute. For some reason, this part of the End was considered nighttime. Nobody questioned it. Scott walked down the stairs and to the bright flower stall.

"Hello-?" Scott asked cautiously.

"A customer." Lizzie said, rising from behind the bench. She wore a pumpkin head.

"I'll say, this is a very conveniently placed shop! I expected that I had to travel. I didn't realise how close it would be!" He chirped

"Uh yes, no, I've done my market research, I know there's a lot of footfall in this area!" Lizzie nodded and leant on the blue bench.

"Mmhmm.. uh, I've heard a lot about your shop-"

"Who told you!? What did they tell you? Was it good??" The pumpkin-headed person stared at Scott through the eye sockets intensely, she was rather close to his face. Scott slowly pushed her away then brushed his hand on his pants.

"Yeah yeah- they said you had lots of cute plants-!" He nodded quickly, Lizzie seemed a little unhinged at the moment. It was probably the loneliness.

The two traded, Scott received some purple grass, mushrooms, and a mysterious sapling. The vampire had demonstrated his abilities, Lizzie followed along. It was an enjoyable time, ignoring the hundreds of endermen eyes constantly stalking them. He entered the small portal and started crossing the large island. 

"I've been trying to get the word out there, like 'don't mess with me'. I have decided... that I am in fact the bad guy. You wrong me you're dead." Scott spoke to himself while avoiding the glares of the End creatures. He couldn't be mean to Lizzie though. She was too sweet. Well at least for now, she'll be left alone. Scott looked back down through the End portal before stepping in, getting whooshed back home.


Sooo.... how do you like it so far?
I don't want to say anything about spoilers, but there are some tragic things planned.


Word count: 1148

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