Chapter Three - Clipping an Angel's Wings

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[It's a vampire story. You can expect blood every chapter.]

Scott had decided to plant the odd sapling near the back of his Manor, now looking for bonemeal to speed up its growth. Lizzie didn't explain anything, only handing him the small purple plant and some grass to grow it on. It was night, thankfully, so gathering bones shouldn't be too difficult. Two skeletons were below a tree, mindlessly roaming around. Scott leapt down and drew out his sword, swiftly slicing between their ribs, the skeletons let out disturbed wails and collapsed into messy piles. Scott turned them into bonemeal and pocketed the bunch. 

"Should be enough." He said while traveling back to his base. The trip was short. Leaping back over the trees and to the Manor, Scott gasped; the tree. It had grown. Twice the size of the building below it. The bark was a deep purple, some places had glowing veins running through it. The leaves were large and flat. It was almost intimidating.

"That.. it going to take ages to cut down. And I'm too pretty for manual labour." Scott complained silently to himself and drew out his axe. One of the modded ones. It should be quicker. He began to take the tree down, but the axe hadn't worked its magic. It was as slow as a normal one. Why. Scott thought, annoyed.

It took over an hour to cut down the huge tree. Stacks of materials came from it, I suppose they could be useful, He shrugged and threw the loot into a shulker box inside the Manor. The sun was close to setting by this time, yet it wasn't low enough to be considered night. But Scott didn't approve of the light. He watched clouds through a window before a voice disturbed him from outside.

"Hello- who lives here??" Sausage called, inspecting the Manor. Scott frowned and went to the front door, opening it.

"Scott? Scott! Wait wait-" The man stumbled, noticing his new appearance.

"Why are you here?" Scott asked dimly, leaning on the frame of his door. Sausage was wearing white and gold robes, black pants, and large white feathered wings. His hair was an average shade of brown that grew into a thick beard. Blue eyes, too. Some kind of fake angel.

"I- I thought you were a moth man! I mean, I heard you had died. Hence this.. vampire self. I brought you some, uh- blood. You know. So you don't have to murder anybody!" Sausage exclaimed, his expression was still very confused. Scott shook his head in disappointment.

"But what kind of vampire are you? Like- interview with a vampire Brad Pitt kind? Or the..." Sausage hesitated. "Dracula suck your blood and kill you kind." 

"The second option." Scott said, taking a few steps closer to Sausage. Sausage backed up, laughing nervously. They both looked up, stars were beginning to take over the orange-purple sky. Nighttime was approaching. The angel dropped his donation of blood that came in a few small glass vials and turned to leave.

"You know, I am in the mood to taste some angel blood..." Scott smiled longingly at Sausage. The angels face fell. Scott grasped onto his shoulder and Sausage screeched, trying to fly away. He only brought the vampire up with him. The two wrestled in the air violently, Scott's eyes were bright red again, like they had been at the time he had killed the fish. Blood. That's what he wanted. Thats all that mattered.

"SCOTT! CONTROL YOURSELF!" Sausage yelled, kicking Scott off of him. Scott fell down and landed on a floating island in the area. The vampire hissed at Sausage and leapt up, grappling onto his feathered wings, tearing a few feathers to shreds. Another yell fled from the angel's mouth when he started to flail in the air. 

"CALM! CALM DOWN!" Sausage continued screeching when he hit the same island from before. Scott marked the angel, a bright purple mist surrounded him instantly, but it was more intense compared to when he tested them before. Sausage was in pain, terrified, confused, all in one. Scott let go and shook his head. His eyes were dull again. He looked down at Sausage who now was lying on the grass, blood stained his wings and leaked from his nose. Scott gasped and covered his mouth.

"Oh my gosh-" He cried, reaching out. Sausage violently flinched as he tried avoiding the hand. Scott took it back, reading the situation. The mist vanished. Sausage struggled to his feet and started running, probably for his life at this moment, Scott could only stare. Sure, he was meant to be a bad guy. But one in control. This was insane. He was insane. It was the moon, wasn't it. Scott didn't bother follow Sausage because that would probably make things worse.

I didn't mean to.. Scott thought sadly, making his way back to the Manor. Five small vials of crimson blood lay on the ground. It was meant to be a gift, but now it felt like stealing. He picked them up and sat down on the dead grass, leaning against a tree. Scott popped one of them open and sniffed it, he determined that nothing was off. Maybe a little stale but whatever worked. He drank it quickly yet savoured each little bit, these vials would prevent quite a few problems.

"Thank you, Sausage." Scott mumbled, he put the cork back on the vial then stood up. Of course, that small peace didn't last long. The lust for blood came back quickly. Glowing red eyes. They burned, now that he was aware. Sausage would be returning to his base, most likely. 

. . .

"Ohhh Sausage~!" Scott called, walking into a church the angel had constructed. Sausage must've thought that this would protect him somehow. Silly angel. The vampire stalked through the church, grinning, his urge to rip something apart was really starting to bug him. Sausage hid behind a seat in the front row, shivering in fear. The moonlight shone through a window, catching Scott's silver hair.

"You're not even an angel, aren't you. Just an elytrian that wants attention. Now, I'll give you two options; join me or die. Easy!" He chuckled, spotting one of Sausage's bloodied wings. Sausage jumped out from his hiding place with a red potion. "TAKE THIS!" He yelled and threw it, Scott brought up an arm to protect his face. The glass shattered but the liquid inside covered him, it made a painful sizzling noise and Scott hissed. Sausage held a small wooden cross now. Scott laughed again and launched at him. The elytrian moved out of the way then bolted out the door, Scott followed easily.

"I was approached by a shadow demon who wanted my soul a little bit ago! Can I take a break?!" Sausage begged and spun around to throw the cross at Scott, nothing happened. Scott marked Sausage and the same purple mist twisted around them, more panic was brough to his face. The vampire leapt high into the sky and teleported. He took the fake angels place and watched as Sausage tragically tried spreading his wings and failed. 

A sickening crunch of bones and wings sounded from the body of Sausage that way now a messy heap on the ground. Scott took pleasure in tearing into it, blood ran down from his lips and down his chin, dripping onto the ground. After a few moments, the vampire was finally full. Scott sighed and stood up. Sausages elytrian self was without a doubt dead, soon to respawn as another origin.

He turned and walked away, somebody else could clean that up, but one more thing had to be done. Scott pulled out his axe and swung it down through the corpse's neck. He picked up the severed head and looked directly into its eyes, drained of live.

"You're coming home with me."


Did ya enjoy? I need some sleep so yeah.
Also I like to imagine that last line how Scott would normally say it to literally any cute thing he finds lying around.

"Uhhh... you're coming home with me~ 💅"

B y e .

Word count: 1348

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