Chapter One - Duke of the Night.

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Scott's eyes flew open and he grasped at his chest. The blazing heat on his back was still dying down. His gaze dashed around the room. The lantern house, okay, that was something. He stood up quickly, but his head bashed a shelf, ow. This house was built for smaller origins, certainly not whatever he was now. Scott regained his bearings and stayed crouched.

"Okay, Scott. Just.. just focus for a moment." He told himself with a sigh.

The pain had vanished from his back, but a small headache formed from the collision with the shelf. Scott rubbed his eyes and rested his face in his hands, which were much paler than usual. And the nails were longer. Scott furrowed his brows in confusion, what was he?

As if by command, a book appeared in front of Scott and the pages wildly turned until they settled on a page. He took the book cautiously and read what was shown.

"Vampires, the dukes of the night," A finger traced below the line.

"They live on blood and can use supernatural abilities..."

Scott looked up from the book at a window in front of him and focused on the reflection. He certainly looked the part from first glance. Back to the book.

"More powerful at night, weaker at day, timberphobic..." It continued, he muttered the descriptions under his breath. Scott exhaled and closed the book after he'd gathered what he could do. There were mentions of a 'switch' which was a form of teleportation, no fall damage, and some kind of large jump. It was a lot to take in. From the mothling, to what, a 'duke of the night'?

He stared back at the glass, trying to make out any discernible features. Soft silver hair appearing gold in the dawn light that filtered into the small house. A black cape that draped elegantly over his figure. Other rather stereotypical things you'd find on a vampire. He moved closer to the glass to inspect anything smaller. Pointed ears half hidden by his hair, blood red eyes. Scott opened his mouth to study his teeth.


Long, pointed fangs. He chuckled to himself and placed the book on a random shelf. This was going to be a wild ride. Scott looked over to the exit of the house which was much smaller than was preferred. The mothling should have thought about it's future origins. For all he knew, he could have been a giant. That would've certainly sent this place crashing.

He moved over to the door and crawled through with some effort. With a grunt, he was out. Scott stood up and brushed off any debris that had clung to his new rather pristine clothing. He stood tall and his back was straight, as if by nature. Scott gazed out at the horizons and barked a sinister laugh,

"I am vampire Scott! Fear me!" He announced and flung his arms wide, welcoming the breeze and warmth. But the sun beating down on him was particularly uncomfortable and almost felt like an itch.

He frowned and shot a hiss at the sun before walking back into the shade, "That's going to a pain in the neck... heh."

Scott turned back to the lantern house. It obviously wasn't going to suffice. He'd have to make something more fitting of this new origin, but his gear was still in the Nether. The vampire groaned in annoyance, he was going to go fetch it, wasn't he? Scott began to creep back to the portal where his last life had gone up in flames.

. . .

The blazes were gone. Scorch marks stained the red brick walls, along with a small amount of blood. Items littered the ground, it had really gone everywhere.

To the entrance of the spawn room lay a small body burnt beyond recognition, but Scott knew exactly who it belonged to. Scott nudged the body aside with a boot and began gathering the items.

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