Chapter Four - Down Goes the Village

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The head needed to be on display. It only felt right, to show off his feat. Scott was initially going to put it on a wall inside, but maybe outdoors would be better. On a spike, it was perfect. He snapped a dead branch from a tree surrounding his house and forcefully shoved it into the ground, then shoving Sausage's head on it. 

"Soon I'll I have a line of them. Why? Because I'm the bad guy.. duh." The vampire grinned and started humming Bad Guy. It was annoying but catchy. Anyway! One murder was quite enough to dub himself villainous for now, but it was time to focus on armour; looking deathly cute wouldn't stop a stake being driven through his chest. Scott had the materials for armour, but not enough levels for enchantments. Gem was a villager apparently, so it would only make sense that she traded or sold enchantment books. But Gem's rule is two diamonds or book or something cool. Scott had 'cool' stuff, maybe that pesky tree would come in handy, as it didn't grow in your local forest. It grew in another dimension.

. . .

Daytime now. Scott arrived at Gem's village and called out her name, a high pitched response sounded from a bench near some well. It sounded cheerful, yet slightly concerned.

"Hi Scott-!" She chirped, running down to him, "Uhm, you're not meant to enter. It's dangerous." Gem pointed to a sign near the enterance. It read 'DO NOT ENTER. GOLEMS ARE VERY DANGER' Seemed like the last word was cut off.

"Don't worry, I've had a few upgrades. I'm quite dangerous as well." Scott confidently informed the girl, she shrugged and took the excuse.

"So! I am a vampire, but thing I had when I was a moth-" Scott spat out the word 'moth' like it was something disgusting, "They couldn't wear anything more than iron armour. Where now I can wear much better stuff. Yet, I don't have the levels for enchanting."

"You've come to buy books! That's great! My library is right over here, come come!" Gem said and ran off to a larger house. It had a green and purple roof, an odd selection one might say. "Okay so what books do you need?" She asked while sorting through shelves and chests

"Maybe unbreaking? If you have those? Possibly a mending too?" 

"Yep! Now.. these cost two diamonds or something cool if you have it!"

Scott nodded, "I have diamonds, but I also have a lot of a special type of wood I got if you're interested." He placed down a few blocks. Gem grinned and gave Scott the books he requested, "Accepted!"

He gave Gem a few stacks of the material, she tried reading out the name. Probably a waste of time. "Py- pythaden- pythadendron? Sounds odd." Scott also gave her one of the saplings. It would be a mistake, planting it. If she ever did.

"You can have that, but please, don't grow it. It's big. It gets really,  really big. It took me all day to cut one down." The vampire hopelessly laughed then walked out, "Farewell!" Gem waved goodbye to him.

"You know.. it's great buying the books. But it would be much more helpful if I just had my own villagers." Scott mumbled when out of earshot as he looked around at the innocent people. He marked one of them and the familiar purple mist surrounded them, "Uhh, you're coming home with me~" He giggled in his usual *material gworl* voice. The mist subtly floated around the villager so it was barely noticeable. Gem was now talking with other villagers and had obviously not noticed.

 "Like- I was supporting local businesses, but I'm also the bad guy. Come on." Scott said to nobody, rolling his eyes.

. . .

Back home, he had build a small shack for the villager. The sun set around an hour prior, so maybe Gem was asleep. Now was the perfect time. Scott walked in and closed the shack door, then teleported.

Now was in fact not the perfect time. 

Scott ended up inside a villager house with Gem a few meters away. She looked very confused, "Scott?!" Gem yelled and reached for him. Scott weaved around her and ran out the door, "Don't worry!"

"Scott, what did you do??" Gem panicked, racing after him. She was very protective over her villagers. 

"Nothing! This is a dream! You're imagin-"

"Are you hurting my villagers?!" Gem yelled, pulling out a sword from nowhere and thrusting it at the vampire. He yelped and took out a weapon of his own and sliced her arm. Gem screeched and tried running, but a mist had already trapped her, more yelling. She spun around and cut Scott's cape. He hissed.

"Sorry Gem~!" Scott lulled sarcastically and leaped into the air, then switching places. Screams came from the sky when Gem fell down, her sword was freefalling too, Scott watched as she hit the ground. The same satisfying noise from when Sausage's body slammed against the earth sounded from the crash. Her skin was slightly split, like when you threw an orange against concrete. Scott took her head without hesitation.

"Don't hit a vampire. It's that not that hard. Just don't." He laughed and looked at the head in his hands. Scott didn't feel hungry at the moment, so her blood could spread out on the crops for all he cared. Villagers surrounded the vampire, from a distance of course, they didn't show much emotion. They never did. Perks of murder when villagers are the witnesses; they don't care.

. . .

Home again. The new head was displayed next to Sausages outside, he didn't expect to have two murders this quickly! But still, why not. Who doesn't love an evil gay vampire?


Sorry for a shorter chapter but it's literally 10:30 at night, please do comment something so I don't feel like I'm typing this to myself :'D

Ima go to bed.

Bye <3

Word count: 982

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