Chapter Nine - Bird got bit

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Mumbo and Scott had been searching around the dark forest for at least an hour but the only sign that Grian might've been here was some disturbed foliage. The occasional large red feather would be found, Scott couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing, Mumbo insisted that it was good. Saying that they were "On the right track!" and all. Apparently, Grian was an Avian (due to Mumbo's weird orb experiment) so feathers were always something to look out for. Scott clambered up a rather dead tree to observe the area. A small flailing red, yellow, and blue wing was peeking out from a large oak.

"Mumbo! Over there!" Scott called down to the moustached man while pointing in the direction of the Avian.

Mumbo did a little happy-dance and began to sprint away. Scott jumped down from the dead tree and ran after him, jeez, that man was fast. The two vampires dashed through the dark forest, narrowly avoiding the hostile mobs that got in their way, at some point Scott had his coat pinned to a tree from a skeleton. Don't worry, the skeleton learnt its lesson.

"Grian! Grian, it's me! Mumbo!" Mumbo yelled when they were finally close to the tree that Grian was tangled in. You could see his jumper stuck with twigs, grey pants with a few tears on the legs, and mousy brown hair knotted with leaves. Grian noisily screech, but it wasn't a human one. Sort of like a falcon. Scott and Mumbo covered their pointed ears quickly.

"What the hell?!" Scott yelled then began to clamber up the tree to untangle Grian. The Avian screeched again, Scott winced.

Grian was thrashing around violently, letting out bird-like noises and biting at the vines encasing him. Mumbo was climbing up beside Scott with haste, "Hold on, bud!" He said. Grian's head snapped up to look at the vampire, his eyes were wide, pupils dilated, but they didn't seem fearful. Only wild, unnatural.

Scott put a hand on Mumbo's shoulder, "Your bird friend doesn't look too friendly at the moment."

Mumbo tore his shoulder from Scott's grasp, "He needs saving!"

"I know, but look at him. He's feral." Scott waved a hand at the wild figure. Grian lunged forward and bit down on Scott's hand in response. He yelped and took his hand away, looking at it, you could see a bright red mark and indents spread out on Scott's palm.

"Ow!" He spat and shot a glare at the Avian. It snickered, soon turning into a high-pitched giggle. "What is wrong with you?!" Scott yelled in an nasty voice. Mumbo was already pulling vines away from Grian, one wing was free, along with a leg. He was wasting his time by helping them. Grian was clearly out of his mind. And Mumbo appeared to be desperate, clingy, and kept rambling on about things nobody was interested in. Hopeless, these two. Scott could be saving his own neck from being torn apart by a dragon!

The Avian was free now. Grian leapt toward Scott and tackled him to the ground, the both of them falling onto the grass with a thud, Scott hissed and flipped Grian over so he was on top, "Stupid bird!" Scott said with a restrained tone. He could feel the lust for blood growing. And Grian's neck was right there. Practically begging to be bitten. Mumbo was sitting on a branch above and searching through his pockets panically, the clinks of glass and sploshing of potions could barely be heard over Scott's growling.

"Scott! Here!" Mumbo said and threw down another fizzing green bottle, but Scott batted it away, this pesky little bird just had something about him that triggered the vampire. He opened his mouth, moonlight shone off his fangs threateningly, Grian's mischievous grin finally faltered and vanished from his face. This was it, a worthy kill, not accidental or out of control. Scott's eyes flared brighter, a cruel expression filled them.

Mumbo was yelling docile curses at Scott as his head dashed down and bit into Grian's neck. The Avian's eyes widened, and mouth opened slightly.


Scott brought his head back up and looked down at the frayed boy. He could hear their heartbeat slow down, yet there was no sign of physical death, perfect. Mumbo was the first to make any noise.

"GRIAN!" The redstoner yelled and put a hand over his mouth, "SCOTT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

Scott only smiled. Mumbo had his friend back, and he had exactly what he needed to deal with Joel. The vampire stood up and stalked back into the dense woods in the direction of his manor.

"That was the last potion I had..." Scott could hear Mumbo say before he was out of earshot. Oh well. It was no longer his business. Being brutally honest, Grian reminded Scott of the luna moth. Small, wings, colourful, despite the Avian being very much insane.

Sunlight was being filtered through the canopy in small orange beams. Shoot-. Scott started sprinting, not only should he start burning soon but Joel would be waiting. That stupid bird hunt made me lose track of time!

"SCOTT!" A roar sounded from ahead of him. No no no no no no-

He broke into the clearing that surrounded his house, but ran right into something. No, someone.

Scott looked up, his eyes met those of a deep brown-red.

"...Hey Joel-"


Hey lol. Slightly longer chapter than the last one.

I'm actually debating on doing a Scott chapter, then possibly a Mumbo or Scar one with the orb and the machine? Yeah?


Anyway I gotta go eat dinner now.


Word count: 928

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