Chapter II

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Julie watched as they went into the entrance of a ship where the water seemed to quickly drain away as they entered. She climbed off the back of the truck as they came to a stop where a red and white grumpy bot was in a room by himself. Bulkhead and the boss bot transformed as Ratchet came over to them and put Prowl down on a medical bed.

Prowl got hooked up to some machines while Ratchet repaired Bulkhead's servo that Prowl had sliced during the attack. Staying out of the way, she sat in a corner of the room where she watched.

"Good as new." Bulkhead spoke as he was testing out his fixed servo.

"Wish I could say the same for Prowl." Ratchet replied.

"Just do what you can, Ratchet." The boss replied, just as someone drove into the entrance of the medbay.

"Is he gonna go offline?" Bumblebee asked.

"Well, he's not quite ready to join the well of allsparks if you know what I mean." Ratchet replied.

"Will you keep down?" Bumblebee suddenly asked. Everyone turned to him at his sudden remark. "Will you keep down...loading information? You know, to help fix Prowl."

"That nanobot creature scramble your circuits?" Bulkhead asked as he had a brow raised in question.

"No!" Bumblebee cried as his driver door opened up suddenly. "No, my circuits didn't scramble. Thanks for asking." He started shaking back and forth and muttered a small 'quiet' under his breath. Julie stood up and slowly walked over to the medical table with Prowl as they were focused on Bumblebee.

"Is everything alright, Bumblebee?" Bossbot asked. As soon as he asked, his car alarm started to go off, making everyone cover their audios. "Sorry, I must have had some bad motor oil." Bumblebee spoke as his alarm continued to go off.

"Bumblebee, will you put a muffler on it and transform to robot mode?" Bossbot asked.

"Right. Robot mode." Bumblebee replied, he suddenly drove out of view as his alarm went quiet, before he walked into view in front of them. "I feel much better now." He cried.

"Bumblebee, you're coming with me." Bossbot spoke as he left the room. "Ratchet, keep an eye on our visitor, she said she can help Prowl." Julie sighed as she went back to approaching Prowl's medical bed.

"Wait, do you even know what you're doing, fleshy?" Ratchet cried as he tried to stop her.

"She can transform, like we can." Bulkhead cried. "She did in the battle against the microbot creature."

"Only when I have the use of water available." Julie replied. "What do you guys use as energy here? Where I came from, transformers used some sort of fuel that also helped to heal their wounds. Do you have something here you guys use?"

"You mean, you have met other transformers?" Bulkhead asked.

"Were you helping the Decepticons?" Ratchet cried.

"No, I would never help the Decepticons, though I do respect them having a life like Autobots do. I come from a slightly different world than this one. Call it a different dimension if you will." Julie explained.

"You mean you can travel through different realities of life? Impossible." Ratchet cried.

"In a way, I guess. I didn't come here on my own though, I was sent here to help the autobots in this world." Julie replied. "It's a little confusing to understand."

Suddenly a nearby monitor started to go off and Ratchet started to freak out. "Prime, you better come in here now." Julie felt like she suddenly was just shocked when he called the other bot Prime. Meaning her guess earlier was correct. Their bossbot was actually Optimus Prime. "Oh, Primus, why?" Julie mumbled as Optimus walked into the room. Julie saw Bumblebee walk in with the little girl with them in the process.

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