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"How did that fleshy just..." Sentinel started to mutter as they all stared at where Julie just vanished.

"She just made her own spacebridge, without even using a machine." Jazz mumbled. "That is one crazy warrior goddess."

"I don't care if you are an elite guard. I am gonna smack you in the helm if you call her that again." Ratchet yelled, startling everyone as he held a wrench in his servo.

"I can arrest you for assault on an elite guard, old bot." Sentinel threatened as he pointed at Ratchet. Optimus merely sighed, as he turned and looked back at Sentinel.

"Slow down, Sentinel. We have reason to believe Wasp is innocent." Optimus spoke, trying to change the subject, as he had his servos up briefly in surrender, before lowering them back down.

"But not that innocent." Bumblebee commented behind him.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Longarm is the real spy. Which I have reason to believe that Julie left to go stop him from hurting Ultra Magnus or anyone else back on Cybertron." Optimus cried.

"If you've got the brass plating to stand there and accuse the head of Autobot intel of spying for the decepticons, you slag well, better have proof."

"Bumblebee, tell Sentinel what you know about Longarm." He ordered.

"Um...he's got really long arms." Bumblebee replied, frustrating Optimus in the process as he looked at Bee.

"Just stay out of our way, Prime." Sentinel yelled, turning around with Jazz, before the two transformed and drove off.

"Sentinel wait...uh okay. We have to split up and find Wasp before they do. Ratchet you're with me."

"Wait, what about Julie?" Bulkhead exclaimed. "Shouldn't we wait for her?"

"No, we need to trust her to know what she is doing. She said she will come back on her own, we need to trust she will come back in time. Transform and roll out." Transforming into his alt mode, he left with Ratchet, leaving the others behind.

Driving through Detroit, Optimus couldn't stop thinking about what Julie said and how Bumblebee was acting back at the base. What was going on back on Cybertron and how did she manage to teleport herself there on her own? Why was Bumblebee acting so weird? What did Julie mean when she told Bulkhead to be careful?

"Do you think Bumblebee was acting a little odd, Ratchet?"

"He's probably just spooked by his old rival showing up." Ratchet replied. Just as two jets flew past them, acting a little weird as they disappeared from view. He and Ratchet both instantly transformed into their bipedal forms as they stood there, looking at where the jets went.

"I've never seen organics pilot planes like that." He mumbled, before turning to Ratchet. As they both looked at each other they both panicked.

"Decepticons." Both of them cried as they quickly transformed back into their altmodes, taking off after where the jets flew off.

"Split up, you take this end, I will go around back." He cried, as they came across an ally where the two cons were cornering Wasp.


Driving up on the other end of the ally, he saw Wasp being blasted into the sky, out of their view.

"Nuts and bolts, there goes our fugitive." Ratchet cried out, watching Wasp fall in the distance.

"Brother, I will protect you." The blue con cried, as he helped aid the orange colored con. Before they both got onto their pedals, he held his a67yyx up and hit the blue one on the back of the helm, knocking him over, as he stood there looking at the two.

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