Chapter XIV

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As Julie sat on Bulkhead's shoulder, she watched as the sun set behind them while they sailed across the water and back to Detroit. The Captain was on what she now figured out what was called the 'phone,' while letting Sari's father know that she was okay and being taken back home.

"Yep, got them both, Professor Sundac, and Sari is safe and sound, so don't you worry..." He started to speak, just for the device to let out some sort of piercing sound and make him drop the phone into the water.

"Ah...I'll call ya later." He cried as he watched the phone from over the side of the boat.

"So, now that Fanzone, Sari and Julie both know, maybe we oughta come clean with Prime about the dinobots." Bulkhead spoke as she sat there with her wings draped over his back.

"Perhaps, but what will become of the dinobots now?" Prowl asked, getting the Captain's attention.

"As long as they stay out of my city, I don't got a problem with'em." He replied.

"Thank you, and thanks for the help on the island." Prowl commented.

"Ya know, we make a pretty good team. You're not a bad guy to have at your back, for a machine." The Captain replied.

"Neither are you, for a human." Prowl agreed. Bulkhead walked over to Sari who was practicing her kicks and kicked him in the leg. Making her panic as Bulkhead started jumping on his one pede in the process. "Ow." Bulkhead cried as he hopped there with her holding onto him for dear life. He fell right into the open space, where one would hold cargo, in front of them, making her freak out as she jumped off him and into the opposite direction that he did, landing in the water outside of the boat in the process.

"I'm okay." She heard Bulkhead cry out as she landed in the water and used her power to keep up with the boat.

"I'm not when you nearly make me land onto this iron encased boat." Julie yelled back. Making the water land onto the surface of the boat and freeze a patch of ice for her to sit on. She laid down on the ice, grateful for it numbing her aching body. She still had some of her own energon in what used to be her water bottle, hoping that with it, it may come handy in case of any other emergencies. Grateful for the fact they had it in case either she or the bots got injured and also for the fact it helped her heal her iron wounds faster, even if it turned out to be from herself in the process. She had a feeling that she may need it in the future for whatever that she would have to face in this world or the next one.

They sailed across the water, watching as the sun set in the process. They would end up taking Sari home for the night and tell Prime about the dinobots on the island later on down the road. She already dreaded the idea of this Prime getting angry, seeing as he actually showed his emotions a lot more than her other Prime.

When Prowl helped carry her back to the base, the second they walked in, she saw Ratchet coming right toward her, clearly upset about her condition. She had thin layers of skin left of her wings, even though you could easily see the light through them in the process. It was obvious that one of them already let him know about her getting injured by Meltdown who was now going to be locked up for the rest of his life or more.

"What did you get yourselves into?" Ratchet cried out as he picked her up and started to scan her.

"I'm alright, I could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for me finding out about the energon that now runs through me." Julie replied, not wanting to fight with him in the process.

"Wait a minute, energon? Since when did you have energon running through your system?" Ratchet asked.

"Like I would know any better. The last time I was anywhere near energon was back before I even came into your world, remember?"

"What I would like to know is why the heck you got injured in the first place? When the heck did you leave the base?" Optimus asked as he approached them.

Julie could tell that both Prowl and Bulkhead were tense as he asked. They obviously were not yet ready to reveal where the dinobots were to Prime, not that she knew why, but she was able to have enough of a clue as to why they were so worried to begin with. Sighing, she looked at the Prime, knowing that it was up to her to save their own rears. "I had a vision, alright. I ended up having a hunch on what happened to Sari, so I ended up getting both Prowl and Bulkhead to help me out. We left in the middle of the night and left Detroit to find Meltdown had helped the dinobots escape. He ended up using them to take Sari out of revenge against her father." she explained, hoping that her lie was believable enough for the others.

"Explaining why you're now unable to fly in the process." Ratchet agreed.

"Then where the heck are the dinobots now?" Optimus asked, obviously still suspicious.

"They ran off as we were capturing Meltdown." Julie replied. "We never knew what happened to them, we were more focused on getting Sari back home and taking care of Meltdown."

"And less focused on your own safety." Ratchet exclaimed. "What would have happened if you didn't have the energon to begin with? That was too risky, Julie."

"I am with Ratchet on this one, you should have had all of us come with you to deal with the situation, not just Prowl and Bulkhead. Meanwhile, you two, I am very disappointed in the fact that you willingly agreed to go with her into this dangerous situation." Optimus replied as he looked between her and the bots.

"Optimus, my job is to stop havoc and protect all forms of life. Those were Primus's orders the second he first visited me. If I have to give up my life to ensure the safety of all those around me, then so be it." Julie cried as she looked at Optimus. "There are those times where the lives of the many outweigh the few, no matter how much you want to protect them."

Optimus looked angry with her over the fact that she was arguing with him, but still, he needed to understand that she was bound to obey Primus, she had no choice in the matter.

"You are hereby on lockdown at the base, I don't care how dangerous the situation is. I swore that we would take care of you while you are here in our world and I am gonna stick to it." Optimus ordered as he was clearly angry. "From now on you will be on watch by any one of us, no more disappearing or using your wings. Along with any use of your powers in the meantime. Have I made myself clear?"

"Very well, but let me be clear to you that you will have to face Primus for preventing me from doing the job that he has authorized me to do." Julie replied, not willing to back down. Primus please help me to get some sense into this bot. She begged as she found herself turning away from him and looking down at the ground in the process.

"Ratchet, seeing as her injuries need to be tended to, you will be the first one on watch." Optimus ordered, "Julie, you better make yourself comfortable. It will be a while before I trust that you wont risk your life stupidly."

Julie refused to look at him, she was just as angry as he was, if not more. "Then never expect me to reveal the truth to you anytime soon. Your actions are what will determine my own trust in you. For trust has to work both ways in order for us to be able to succeed." 

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