Chapter XXIII

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Julie flew through the city after having left her duplicates to their tasks. She now understood what Nexus had meant to be using it only when necessary cause she was able to feel her energy start to pull as the split up.

She had flown through the city, to the nearby police station, letting the Captain know about her sisters helping evacuate the town, as she was flying toward the tower where she knew that Bumblebee would be to look for Sari. The smell of danger was strong in the air, as strong as it was when she was with Team Prime fighting off the Autobots enemy then. Flying to the tower, she managed to find Bumblebee who was speeding along the highway to the tower down below her. Diving after him, she landed right beside him as Bumblebee had transformed and was looking up at the tower. Where she saw Starscream was sitting far up above them with destroyed windows towards the top along with a whole in the tower.

"Autobot alert, Autobot alert, anybody out there?" Bumblebee cried as he stood there connecting his comlink to any of the others, as she hovered next to him listening.

"Bumblebee, it's Prime. What's your status?" Optimus asked as he replied, making her cringe, knowing her sister there probably already had revealed herself in the process, if not having revealed herself already. She felt odd as she was able to feel what was going on with her sisters easily, even though she couldn't communicate with them. She could feel one sister draining a lot of energy as she was working on something as the others were also busy with their own work.

"Trouble at Sundac Tower. It begins with a star and ends with a scream." Bumblebee replied as he was explaining the situation.

"Do not engage, wait for backup." Optimus ordered, making her roll her eyes. What was she and her sisters doing? They were the backup for all the divided parts of the team. "I am here, Bumblebee. I am here to help you out." She told Bee as the two of them started to head into the tower. Bumblebee looked at her, before returning to his comlink. "But Sari could be in danger." He cried.

"Bumblebee, stand down. Do you read?" Optimus ordered as she flew next to the speeding Bumblebee as they ran down the halls of the tower, towards the elevator.

"Sorry're breaking up...must be going through a cave or something." Bumblebee cried as he pushed the button of the elevator and squeezed himself into it. She flew in after him before the door shut behind them.

"Looks like it's just you and me, Starscream." Bumblebee muttered.

"I am right here, you know?" She cried as she hovered next to Bee. They flew up the elevator shaft before Bumblebee broke through the elevator, impatient on it opening for them. Flying out after him, she shifted out of view as he charged with his stingers, shocking Starscream who looked like he had been conversing with what she saw to be Megatron's head. It finally was making sense. Lugnut truly had been talking to Megatron as she had feared, but she never believed he was so close to the base.

"Finished?" Starscream asked, as Bumblebee stopped aiming at him only to get blasted and sent flying. "You interrupted my SPEECH!" Starscream cried as he walked over and grabbed Bumblebee by the helm. "But don't worry. It won't happen again." Starscream commented as he towered over the young bot.

She was about to get involved, before she saw a red surge of energy run through the metal around them, only for her to see a large arm grab hold of him and pull both Starscream and Bumblebee up to the roof and throw them out. She didn't know what she should do. Face Megatron, or hope that Bumblebee will be okay? As she hovered there watching everything going on, she saw a human walking in with panic.

"What is going on?" She looked at Professor Sundac in shock as she realized he knew that this bot was in his tower.

"Time is short. The evil are mobilizing for a full-scale assault on your world. I need my new body now." Megatron demanded as he looked at the human.

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