Chapter XXVI

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Optimus watched as the space bridge closed in on itself, leaving no sign of either Omega Supreme, Megatron, nor Julie.

"Sari...Oh Sari!" Professor Sumdac cried as he ran over to his daughter and the two embraced. Optimus watched as they did, before the cavern around them started to shake and tremble around them.

"Hate to break up the family reunion, but we gotta bolt." Bumblebee cried as he drove up next to the two humans.

"Everyone out, now!" He cried as he pointed to the exit, before transforming himself and driving through the tunnel. Driving straight through the tunnel, they stopped right outside, on a ledge, where every bot transformed into their bipedal modes and looked over at the mountain, where they just had escaped.

"Everyone still online?" Optimus asked.

"All, but one." Ratchet replied, looking at them, before looking at the smoke in the distance.

"He's probably still out there somewhere." Bulkhead commented, as he stood next to Ratchet as support.

"Thank goodness that ordeal is over." Professor Sumdac exclaimed, as he had an arm on Sari's shoulder.

"See guys, I knew all along my dad couldn't have betrayed us. He's as honest and trustworthy as they come." Sari cried, as everyone looked at her, only to see her arm torn, revealing electric circuits in place of her skin. "Huh?"

Sari turned around, covering her arm with her servo, while looking at her father.

"Sari, we need to talk." Professor Sumdac spoke as he saw the girl panic.

"Let's head back to base, and figure things out from there." Optimus spoke as he looked at everyone. "We still are missing Julie. Ratchet, is her clone still with you?"

Ratchet and Sari looked at him, before the two both avoided looking at Optimus. "No, her clone died in front of us." Ratchet replied, his voice filled with tons of resentment.

"So, I guess we are on our own." Bumblebee commented.

"No, we're not on our own. Julie will come back. It may take her some time, but she will come back to us." Optimus cried, before transforming into his altmode. "Come on, let's transform and roll out." Both Sari and Professor Sumdac climbed into his cabin, as the others also transformed, immediately making their way back to the base.

"Okay, I'm waiting." Sari spoke up, looking at her father.

"Uh...I...uh yes..well.."

"Still waiting."

"It is complicated."

"Hey Sari, guess what? You're a robot! How complicated is that?" Sari yelled. "You know why there's no record of your birth, because you weren't born. You were built." She cried, before looking away from her father.

"'re right. I should have told you long ago, but the truth is, I don't know where you came from. You see, some years ago, I saw a very strange flash of light coming from my laboratory. I had never seen anything like it. A little body, like liquid metal. I touched it and got quite a shock, when I came to, you were just there." Professor Sumdac explained

"Oh, please. Why don't you just tell me you found me in a Cabbage patch. Or the stork brought me." Sari cried out.

"I concur Professor, your story's not consistent with where Sari told me small organics come from,..."

"Don't even bother Prime, why should he tell the truth now, after lying to me my entire life. If only Julie were here to help me. She would be able to tell me the truth."

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