Chapter XLIII

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"Prime, we did it. The forcefield worked." Ratchet cried, running up to him.

"The Starscream Supreme's are history. And everybody's okay." Bumblebee exclaimed. As the team ran up to him.

"Not everybody." Jazz replied, as he and Jazz approached with a passed out Julie in Jazz's servos.

"Julie!" Sari cried, looking at the winged girl in Jazz's servos.

"She stopped Prowl from giving up his spark, she saved all of us." Jazz explained, holding the girl. "She was truly a goddess."

"No." He muttered as he stood up and walked forward, only to get fired upon out of random. Looking up, he saw Megatron firing numerously on him, but to their surprise, Julie sat up in Jazz's arms and flew in the way, she was angry, almost menacing as she stared at Megatron.

"You have interfered with me for the last time, Optimus Prime." Megatron yelled, still firing at them, but Julie stood in the way taking every blast.

"No, you have interfered for long enough Megatron. It is time you are put to rest." Julie spoke, raising her arm forward, it started to glow brightly, along with Megatron as he stopped in place right in front of them. He glowed brightly in front of them, before he disappeared, leaving a dark cloud in his place. The cloud formed into a figure in front of them as Julie stared right at it. Flapping her wings vigorously in the process, but she just sat there as the figure faded away, leaving everyone confused, except for Julie who stood there.

"We must head to Cybertron, immediately." Julie spoke, turning and looking at everyone. While Omega Supreme approached them from behind. She opened a groundbridge in front of everyone, ready to bridge themselves to Cybertron.

"Julie, what is going on?" Ratchet asked, looking at her.

"There's no time, autobots. We must leave if we are gonna save Cybertron. Grab everything you wish to take with you, I will leave the bridge open until you are ready to leave."

"Understood." Optimus replied. As everyone boarded into Omega Supreme, who was now in his alt mode, the ship that helped bring everything together. The one who helped bring the autobots to this world where he got to first see Julie and learn who she was. Optimus didn't know what to say, but he knew that this was necessary to happen.

Flying through the spacebridge, they landed on Cybertron where many people gathered and were cheering for them. First ones to walk off the ship were Megatron, Shockwave, and Lugnut with him in front of them. As they came off the ship, next was Sari, who stood in front of Ratchet, Bumblebee, Jazz, Bulkhead and Prowl, and lastly, was Julie who stood in her warrior form, not paying any attention to the people cheering her name.

Julie looked at the sky above them, watching as it started to grow dark and grim, but the people weren't paying attention to it, neither were the autobots with her, as she knew Unicron was preparing the strike, but she wouldn't allow it, as she held the Allspark, glowing brightly in her hand. Flying off the ground, alerting everyone as she did, she flew above them all, as Omega Supreme transformed into his bipedal mode and was also looking at her.

"Omega, protect the people, I trust you will be able to succeed in that." She spoke, looking at him.

"Yes, goddess." Omega replied, getting Optimus's attention below them, as he looked up at her, but she didn't look back. Flying up into the sky, she saw a dark figure, made of the same cloud that was on Earth, she felt her powers surge ready to use, with the allspark in her grasp.

Evil laughter echoed around all of them, as the people saw the figure, starting to scream in the process below her, but she needed to focus on the task at hand, not the bots and not her team. "Descendent of Primus, your time is up." Unicron spoke as the dark figure stood in front of her. A blast of dark energy blasted at her, trying to destroy and corrupt her, but she wasn't going to allow it to happen, as she held the Allspark firmly in her grasp. Raising it high above her, she felt the blast of dark energy hit her, starting to fill her being, but she held the Allspark firmly and allowed the power from it to glow brightly and surge within her, as ten bright balls of light came from below their very feet, breaking through Cybertron as they formed into bright beings behind her.

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