Chapter XXIX

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"First I lost my dad and now you guys?" Sari spoke as Julie hovered in the room.

"I'm afraid orders are orders." Optimus replied.

"Well, they're stupid orders." Sari cried.

"Listen up, small human. Autobots are not organic babysitters. The sooner you bunch of bolts learn that, the better." Sentinel cried at the entrance.

"What does that do with me though, my orders from Primus where to watch and help aid the autobots. If you guys leave, I doubt Ultra Magnus would allow me to go with you." Julie cried as she looked at the bots. "Besides, I am afraid that with Earth unprotected, that we are about to face dark hours. When we fought Megatron, and I helped defeat him, I found something in him I fear that is now being added to play."

"And, what, human Julie could that be?" Sentinel cried as he looked at her.

"They aren't a bunch of bolts, they are my friends, and I need them." Sari cried, stopping her from replying to Sentinel.

"Sari, wait!" Bumblebee cried as the girl took off running.

"This isn't easy for her, Bumblebee. Give her time." Optimus replied, as he turned to Bee.

"Unfortunately time isn't something we have. As of now you are all vital components to war against the Decepticons." Sentinel replied, ignoring her as she hovered in front of them.

"Yes, sir." All the bots replied, as they turned and faced Sentinel.

"Now that we don't have the Allspark, our space bridge is the one advantage over the cons that we still have." Sentinel spoke as he looked at them. "And we need you repair grunts to keep them up and running. And Optimus a little advice, do what Ultra Magnus wants."

"You mean lie?" Optimus asked.

"Cut the high-and-mighty routine for once in your life cycle, look I had some pull with Cybertron command. If you keep quiet about Megatron and the Allspark, and take the fall for your crew going AWOL, I could get you reinstated in the elite guard."

"That sounds a lot like a brible." Optimus replied.

"Call it a favor for not mentioning my little incident with the headmaster."

"Yeah, well I don't think say to my own hard drives more important than protecting the truth."

"Then you leave me no choice. Optimus Prime, I am placing you in protective custody until our departure from Earth."

"What, you can't be serious."

"I'm not gonna have to use these stasis cuffs on you, am I Optimus?" Sentinel asked as he pulled out the cuffs in question.

"Sentinel, I thought that you and Optimus had equal rank. Or I would be more than willing to confess about your little incident which, under Optimus's authority, I was unable to laugh about." Julie cried as she flew between Optimus and Sentinel. "Now I need you to listen to me. I feel a Decepticon nearby, one I thought Megatron killed during the battle."

"You're just saying that to ensure these bots stay on this planet." Sentinel replied.

"No, I am not. I am obeying my own orders from Primus, himself. This war is only getting worse, I have foreseen bits of the future, and I am telling you that if you don't listen to me, both Earth and Cybertron are in danger." Julie hissed. "Unicron has now added himself to the playing field, a playing field that I fear is just now taking the turns for the worse."

"Wait, Unicron, here on Earth?" Bulkhead asked.

"I will ignore your tone, if you shut up and get the heck away from these Autobots and away from us. You are clearly a delusional human who knows too much for her own good." Sentinel replied as he looked at her. "Now get out of here, just like the little human."

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