Chapter XXII

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Flying above the others, she made sure to use the water from the snow to shift herself invisible and watch the three bots as they walked along the island, looking for any sign of the dinobots. She still felt very much angry with Optimus as she looked down at him, but remembering what she was told, she felt that the words that Optimus from the realm told her still applied now as she tried her best to forgive Optimus. She understood that he was merely just irritated with the situation at hand, but she still hated the way that he was dealing with it.

"We've been over almost every inch of this island and still no sign of the dinobots." Optimus complained as they continued to walk around. She flew above them and looked for any sign of the dinobots as they stopped for a minute.

"Maybe they left." Bulkhead commented. Just as Prowl walked in front of the two bots, but as he did the sound of large footsteps sounded along with the ground shaking, causing bits of snow to fall off the trees in the process. The bots and her turned to look in the direction the sound had been coming from, making her hope that she didn't need to reveal herself just yet. She was told to not let blow her cover until she absolutely had to, but at the same time she knew from being connected to the main sister that it was mainly due to how angry she was with Optimus. Though she still ment the words that she said earlier. That she was not gonna come to Optimus when he called her, not unless he truly proved how sorry he was for the way she had treated not just her, but also for how he was treating the team and Sari.

Three dinos came walking right towards them, Grimlock in the lead as the two others were at his sides.

"Or not." Bulkhead commented as the dinobots approached the bots.

"Do not fear, we come in peace." Optimus cried, holding his hand out toward them to show he was unarmed. As the flying bot landed next to the others, the dinobots all exchanged glances before transforming into their bipedal forms that she remembered from the last time that she remembered having run into them.

"Intruders." Grimlock cried as he held his club in his servo. The same club she remembered he was about to use on Meltdown when they had managed to capture him and have him arrested in the process. "Dinobots destroy."

"Something else you forgot to tell me?" Optimus hissed as he looked at the dinobots.

"Let me talk to them. I've helped them before. They know me." Prowl spoke as he looked at Optimus.

"I think you've done enough damage." Optimus replied as he looked at Prowl. "We've come to talk, we will not hurt you."

"Dinobots hurt you!" Grimlock cried as he charged toward the bots, making both Optimus and Bulkhead arm themselves in defense.

"Hold your fire." Prowl cried as he walked in front of the others. "Grimlock stop. There is no need to fear us. We helped you defeat meltdown, remember?"

"Meltdown?" Optimus asked as he turned and looked at Bulkhead.

"Don't ask." Bulkhead replied.

"Cycle and car robots good, truck robot bad." Grimlock spoke as he approached Prowl, making Julie smile that he didn't like Optimus. She didn't blame him when Optimus was being so hostile, along with the attitude that Optimus had been betraying all day. And yet, this miserable birthday couldn't end. She still hated her birthday, and with the way that Optimus was going was making her hate it even more. Not that she thought she could hate it any worse, but at the same time, this Optimus always tended to be full of surprises, good and bad.

"Truck robot good, our friend." Prowl replied as he held his servos up in front of him and looked at the dinobots.

"Hmm, friend?" Grimlock asked before turning to his partners that were standing behind him.

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