Chapter XL

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"Where did that organic go? Tell me where she would have gone. I order you." Sentinel Prime cried as he looked at Optimus Prime and his teammates.

"I have no idea where she would have gone. When she disappears like this, we never know where she has gone. This may be the first time she bridged herself away, but this isn't the first time that she just left without saying anything." He spoke as turned and faced Sentinel. "Now I don't like how you treated Julie. I am very shocked that you would bring harm to someone in such a way. Now, as far as capturing her, she is my teammate. You told me to leave your soldiers alone, well now I am telling you to leave my teammates alone. You would be very surprised how much Julie has faced and accomplished, more than you would ever accomplish on your own."

"Is that a threat, Optimus?" Sentinel Prime asked, poking Optimus in the chest with his digit.

"I can assure you that is a threat from Optimus, and the rest of us." Ratchet spoke up, setting his servos on his hips.

"Julie is more than a teammate..." Bulkhead agreed.

"She's family." Prowl commented with his arms crossed over his chassis, as all five of them stood next to each other. Optimus in the front with Ratchet at his left, Bulkhead at his right. Prowl stood next to Ratchet while Bumblebee was in front of Bulkhead.

"A family, now that is something nice." Jazz commented.

"Sir, shouldn't we take the fugitive back to the ship?" Jetstorm asked.

Sentinel stood there staring at Optimus, and his team, before he huffed and turned around. "Let's leave these lame bots and take our fugitive back to the ship. We're done with these bags of bolts."

"I actually think we should go together, Sentinel. Make sure you don't accidentally release Wasp." Optimus spoke as he stepped forward. "We're not gonna let you hunt Julie down behind our backs."

"Whatever you tell yourself, Optimus." Sentinel grumbled, as the twins grabbed Wasp, before they all headed to the ship together.

Transforming into their alt modes, they headed out on the road, the twin jets flying with Wasp, as they headed to the ship.

Optimus and his team drove a few feet behind Sentinel's, as they all had one thing on their mind, where was Julie and how was she doing?

"Prime, what are we gonna do?" Bumblebee asked, surprisingly whispering so only they heard him.

"There's not really anything we can do, except to make sure that Sentinel doesn't get his servos on Julie. We just need to hope she is able to heal herself and stay strong, so she can return to us back at the base when she is able." Optimus replied.

"Optimus, is it just me, or do you really care for Julie?" Bulkhead suddenly asked.

"Bulkhead..." Bumblebee cried.

Optimus merely sighed. "Yes, Bulkhead. I have grown to care for her during the time that she has been here. I am worried what Sentinel will do if he finds her and perhaps, even hurts her again. I truly believe that the time Julie has with us is starting to run out..."

"Meaning the evil she has been speaking of is coming." Prowl commented.

"And soon." Ratchet agreed. "I truly hope you are wrong and right at the same time. I hope that her time isn't running out as you say it is, but at the same time I hope she is somewhere safe and is treating her injuries."

Pulling up at the ship, they transformed and entered, putting Wasp into a cell, before heading to the front of the ship, where Sentinel tried to work on communications with Cybertron.

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