Chapter XXXIX

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"Me an imposter? Sarge, you remember in boot camp when I dumped all those oil barrels on top of you?" Wasp, in disguise as Bumblebee asked.

"No." Sentinel disagreed, shaking his head back and forth.

"What about when I exploded a box of pink paint in your face?"

"Uh uh."

"How about when I broadcasted all those horrible things you said about Ultra Magnus over the loudspeaker?"

"No it doesn't jog my...wait a nano click, that was you?" Sentinel cried, standing up, towering over Wasp as Julie hovered there annoyed.

"And Prime, remember when I took on slo-mo, Professor Princess, Angry Archer, and Nanosec, all by my yellow chassis self,"

"Come on, that was huge news, anemone would know that." Bulkhead cried out.

"Anyone who downloaded our files." Bumblebee agreed, who was disguised as a green bot.

"I've heard enough, wheel him out." Sentinel ordered, as the twins held Bumblebee in place,

"No, I have not had enough." Julie yelled, startling the twin bots and Sentinel. "Let Bumblebee and Wasp prove for themselves."

"Julie's right. There must be some way to prove who's telling the truth." Optimus agreed as he stood between Sentinel and the three other bots.

"I know how to prove it." Bulkhead spoke up. As he took Bumblebee and set him down on the couch next to Wasp, before turning on the television. Julie shifted out of view, hovering over the Bumblebee imposter, well aware that Wasp would try to escape. "Whoever wins this round of Ninja Gladiator has to be the real Bumblebee. Cuz he's the best player around."

"This is ridiculous." Sentinel cried out as the two groups of bots formed lines on each side of the couch,

"Well, if you've got a better idea, my auditory circuits are go." Optimus replied.

"Video games?" One of the twins asked.

"Wild isn't it? Humans sure know how to make a scene." Jazz agreed.

"I go winner." Both twins cried out as they raised their servos over their helms.

Hovering over Wasp, as the bot looked at Bumblebee, who happened to be looking at the screen, before he turned to Sentinel Prime and his team, before he looked over at Optimus Prime and his team, the bot tossed the gaming control aside, about to tackle Bumblebee, but Julie jumped on the bot and held him down in a hemlock position, as she sat on top of him on the floor.

"Nice try, Wasp." Julie hissed as she shifted into view in front of everyone. While Bumblebee slowly got up, off the floor where he nearly got tackled.

"Let me go." Wasp cried. "Alright you caught Wasp, but Wasp was good for once, until Bumblebot ruined Wasp." The bot cried as he thrashed beneath her, while Julie sat on top of him, holding him in place. Her legs held Wasp's feet in place, while she used her arms to hold Wasp's servos behind his neck.

"No, Wasp. You were always mean to me and Bumblebee. You may not be a traitor, but you were never a good bot." Bulkhead cried as he pointed at Wasp beneath her. Startling her briefly, Wasp managed to jerk himself, causing her to go flying up into the air, where she hovered over them, while Wasp took off, not before breaking the lights of the base beforehand.

"Ah, for sparks sake, not again." Ratchet cried as it went dark. While Julie ignored them and flew after Wasp and Bee, as Wasp tackled him outside, before Julie managed to shift into a dragon and grabbed hold of Wasp between her jaws.

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