Chapter XXI

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Feeling the danger in the moment, she felt her powers start to act, just like they did when she was on Cybertron. She knew what it ment, as much as she hated Optimus in the moment, she wasn't willing to be done with any of the other bots in the process. She hovered above the city and thought through what she needed to do, before she remembered the citizens in the city. She needed to find Captain Fanzone. So following her instinct she flew to the police station, but not before using the one power that she knew was desperately needed at this very moment. "Primus, please help me. Nexus, I need you here and now!" She cried as she felt the power take hold and split herself into several at once. "You, I need you to go after Ratchet, he is gonna need your help if we are gonna shield him when he has the key. You, I know as much as we all hate Optimus right now, I need you to go to the island and help out Bulkhead, Prowl, and Optimus. Don't reveal yourself unless absolutely necessary. You two, I need you both to help watch the city and ensure the citizens aren't harmed and evacuated out properly. I am gonna go find Sari and Bumblebee, make sure that they are protected from the awakening evil. Understood? Use the energon in your bottles and water as you must to ensure the energy between us lasts as long as it is necessary. We have to ensure the safety of everyone, let it be Primus's will." Julie spoke as she turned to her duplicates.

"In Primus' name." All the duplicates spoke, before they flew off to do the duties that she had assigned them. She had to find Captain Fanzone and quickly, before she went to the tower where she knew that Sari and Bumblebee would be at in the end.

Julie flew along the river of Detroit, she knew what she had to do, as she felt the energy from the allspark reaching her. She didn't know how she had so much more energy than before, but she figured that it was either because of Primus, or because when the Allspark struck her the same day it lit up Sari's key to help revive Optimus. Another possible reason could have been the Primes and Optimus who lay currently in the realm of the Primes. She saw a decepticon firing upon Ratchet, as Ratchet speeded along the ice trying to get away. All of the missiles were causing the ice to crack.

"I suggest you hand over the key, autobot." Blitzwing cried as he flew above Ratchet, she quickly flew down and landed on top of Ratchet's alt mode, watching as the Decepticon flew around the area. Some missiles landed in front of Ratchet, causing ice to form walls in front of him. Ratchet quickly transformed and caused her to end up hovering next to him in the process as another Decepticon flew at them from behind.

"Lugnut, Blitzwing, turn back from this tyranny, now!" Julie cried, alerting Ratchet to her presence. Lugnut flew in front of them, before transforming and hitting the ground in front of them. "Master will not be deprived." He cried, as she quickly raised up some more ice to shield the majority of the impact from hitting them too rough. Ratchet flew and hit a nearby building as she looked up to see Blitzwing flying above, approaching them. "Julie, get out of here. You can't take them on, by yourself." Ratchet cried as she looked at her now hovering in front of him once again. "I am never by myself." She commented as she looked at the Decepticons approaching.

"The key, autobot!" Blitzwing cried as he transformed and hovered in the air, reaching toward Ratchet who was behind her.

"You'll have to pry it from my cold, offline servo." Ratchet cried, just before a blast came flying at them both, she expected him to fire at her as well, but instead he only hit Ratchet, who ended up freezing in place. "Well, it's not exactly offline, but it's certainly cold." Blitzwing cried, before he grabbed Ratchet's servo. She quickly charged at the Decepticon and sent him flying, sadly with the very servo that had the key in the process.

"Quickly, our master awaits." Lugnut cried as he went and aided Blitzwing who was in the distance, getting up onto his pedes. She hated the fact that she had to let them take the key, but that was not her mission at hand. She watched as the two cons flew off, before she heard Ratchet break free from the ice.

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