Chapter XXXV

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"At long last, I will lead my troops back to Cybertron and reclaim what is rightfully mine." Megatron proclaimed as they saw him. Optimus fired at some rock, causing a loud explosion and getting Megatron's attention.

"Too bad there's nobody left for you to lead, Megatron." Stepping in front of his team, while she hovered in the shadows. Incoming above them, a con she didn't recognize came falling from above.

"Who you calling nobody?" The con cried, grabbing hold of Bumblebee and Blurr. Another con appeared in front of them spraying concrete at all of the team members, but she couldn't do anything without giving herself away.

"So you two are working for Megatron now." Optimus commented as he looked at the two cons. Just before the room started to surge and shake. Causing rock to fall around them, but she made sure that they didn't fall on top of the team members. Looking up, the roof of the cave was destroyed revealing 6 cons flying above them. One in the center of all the others. Every single one of the clones were a duplicate of none other than Starscream.

"Megatron, my old friend. Thanks for doing all the hard work for me." Starscream cackled above them, before they all were flying right at the warlord. "Concentrate your attack on Megatron."

"More Starscream clones?" Prowl asked.

"What do you mean more? Is there something I missed while I was out?" Julie cried, looking at the team members. "

"How is that even possible?" Optimus asked.

"Based on the unusually high level of energy emanating from Starscream, one could only assume that he somehow acquired several Allspark fragments and used their properties to bring the clones online." Blur explained as they all looked at the Starscreams.

"Aren't you sorry you asked?" Bee commented.

"I don't care how he did it. This needs to be stopped. The longer those clones exist and are online, the longer a portion of my powers are strained. Any time someone uses the powers of Primus, without his will, it weakens me and drains me of that energy. That and the corruption in me is making it harder for me to be of much help." Julie cried as they watched the clones fire on Megatron.

"Lugnut, Driftwing, I need backup at once. Where are you?" Megatron demanded as Julie hovered, not knowing where to take action. Clearly furious about the response he got, he started charging through the clones toward the main one. "It will take more than a few pathetic clones so you can terminate me, Starscream." He cried as he started firing upon him.

Meanwhile she saw the Professor and Bulkhead approaching the space bridge in the middle of the battle.

"Come on, Professor, we gotta shut down that space bridge." Bulkhead spoke, as he carried the human with him.

"Why did you make it work in the first place? What were you thinking?" The Professor cried.

"This coming from the guy who rebuilt Megatron." He replied, before they both went to attack the spacebridge. Looking down at the team, she had to do something, but her energy was so drained already. Straining, she tried to summon up a storm, but it was very slow coming, as her vision was a little hazy, before she felt something different. It felt like a boost, but it didn't seem to be all for her. Looking at the team members, she cried out, before she aimed her arms at Optimus and the team members. Firing bolts of energy across the room toward Optimus, Prowl, Bumblebee, and Blurr. Though she knew it would take a moment to work. She felt herself as though she was about to pass out, but in the essence of everything, she felt something evil creep into her mind. It was another form of energy, but this one was dark and evil. It felt like she was being demanded to drain energy from everyone in the room, but she refused.

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