Chapter XXXIV

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"So let me get this straight, you're an Autobot intelligence officer and you found Megatron's hideout?" Optimus asked as she entered the room, finding another bot in the room in the process.

"That is correct, Optimus Prime, I have already reported my findings to the elite guard requesting immediate reinforcements, but was informed that the additional support would be delayed due to the fact that the Autobot forces are currently stretched too thin about the Decepticon presence along the edge of the galaxy where intelligence has also revealed that a human called Issac Sumdac has been caught working with the Decepticon leader by first engineering a space bridge schematic stolen from your ship, which Megatron intends to use to stage a sneak attack on Cybertron with while the pilots defensive forces are at their weakest, but he's running into difficulty getting the device operational.

"That's where your fellow bot comes in, earlier today I intercepted a communication between Megatron and the Decepticon double agent involving a plot to kidnap Autobot Bulkhead after discovery that he is the foremost expert in space bridge technology of course, and for some kind of cooperation will undoubtedly have to dire results only to help bring Megatron back..."

"Whoa, back up." Bumblebee cried.

"Wait, did he just say Bulkhead?" Prowl asked.

"Our Bulkhead?" Optimus commented.

"An expert, on anything?" Ratchet cried out, clearly none of them believing what they just said.

"That's correct, which brings us to today when I intended to thwart Megatron's plans when the mission became fatally compromised with some bot getting in the way, no I'm not naming any names." The bot cried.

"How many times do I have to say, I'm sorry?" Bumblebee yelled. "Man, talk about beating a dead spark plug,.."

"That's the thing, Bee. Sometimes you're not sorry." Julie remarked, not realizing what just came out of her mouth. "And you're too dumb to shut up when you should."

"Julie?" Sari gasped at what just came out of her mouth. Julie quickly covered her mouth as she realized what she said.

"That's how you feel?" Bumblebee asked, looking upset when looking at her.

"Julie, doesn't mean it, Bee." Optimus spoke, turning to the bot. "I think you need a medical exam, there is clearly something going on."

"I also noticed you sneaking out and sneaking back into my room last night. What was that about?" Prowl agreed.

"Julie, what the heck is going on with you?" Ratchet asked, looking at her.

"That's not important right now, what matters is rescuing Bulkhead." Julie cried, trying to change the subject. "Where did you say you found the con's location?"

"Julie's right. We will figure out what's going on later, for now Ratchet heads to the ship and try to get him back online one more time. Take Sari, Julie and the Allspark fragments with you and keep them safe. The rest of you are with me and Blur." Optimus cried.

"Optimus, what if you need my aid?" Julie asked as she looked at him. "None of you stand a chance against Megatron, it's not just a bot you're fighting."

"What are you talking about?" Blur asked, looking at her.

"I'm talking about the reason why I have been in this world. Megatron is corrupted with the spirit of Unicron, just as Ultra Magnus's hammer was." Julie cried. "I must fight him, it's the only way."

"Very well, transform and..."

"Wait, you guys don't really think my dad is working for Megatron, do you?"

"To be honest, Sari..."

Julie looked down at the girl, before screaming in pain. Falling onto the ground, luckily freezing some ice below her in the process. "This day is just getting worse." She gasped.

"Julie, what's going on?" Sari asked her, as the girl stood next to her.

"Not again, someone is breaking the law of balance. Someone's creating clones, and I fear I know exactly who." Julie replied, out of breath. She slowly stood up, before taking a deep breath.

"I don't understand, exactly what is going on?" Blur asked, looking at the bots, before she started to glow a bright white color, but there were small tints of purple in with it, as they all watched, before they saw Julie standing in front of them, except this time there were 2 of them, not 5.

"Sister, you are with Ratchet and Sari, I will be with Optimus and the others. I have a feeling that we will need all the aid we can get." Julie spoke, looking at her clone.

"Why did you only do one this time?" Bumblebee asked. "Wouldn't we need more of you than that?"

"Because, I am too weak right now, Bee! That is why." She yelled. "You want to know why I have been yelling at all of you, because Unicron corrupted me. Right now I am stronger, but I need the full power of the Allspark in order to cleanse myself of this impurity. There is a small fragment of him inside my own spark, corrupting me, but I am struggling to fight it. I told you guys that you are unable to help me with this. He is trying to take control of me in order to use me as a tool against Primus and all sentient forms of life. I have time to take him down, but I have to figure it out on my own."

"Julie, why didn't you say anything?" Ratchet cried, looking at her.

"Because there is nothing that you can do to help me." She replied, looking at them. "Primus told me that eventually Unicron will corrupt me, now I see it may be before I have even left this world. I was told that through the powers that I have received, I would be able to defeat Unicron myself, but that I have yet to know how and in what way. I believe I will be able to rid myself of the corruption, but I don't know how, nor when."

"We should keep an eye on you in case it gets worse, for now we need to focus on saving Bulkhead and fighting off the cons at hand. Hopefully we have enough time to do that before we need to focus on a way of saving you." Optimus replied, "Let's transform and roll out."

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