Chapter XXVII

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For the past few days, the ship that brought Ultra Magnus, Jazz, and Sentinel Prime has been sitting where it landed for days. Julie still felt very off about Ultra Magnus, but luckily the dude hadn't used the hammer for a while as the others said he had. She was grateful for not feeling weak because of him as of recently.

Today, Optimus and Sentinel Prime were both expected to speak with the people of Detroit, in front of the Mayor, Captain Fanzone, and another high ranking member of the community. Even though she was upset with him, she still decided to keep a close eye on him on Sentinel Prime and if Ultra Magnus left the ship, she watched him as well.

Sitting on his shoulder, in front of the people, she felt grateful that Sentinel Prime and Ultra Magnus hadn't questioned her warrior mode, nor about her helping in the fight at the assembly line.

"Organics of Earth, Mr. Mayor, Captain Fanzone, I Sentinel Prime speak to you at the behest of our great commander, Ultra Magnus, who could not be hear because he had more important matters to attend to than to worry about this small, underdeveloped planet, which is not to say that we have Cybertron mind helping out a few simple organics, especially in light of the fact that so far our scanners have yet to detect any cyber contaminants on" Sentinel explained as he spoke into the microphone. Julie felt herself cringing at what he said as he had to lean over to Optimus for a small assistance, but at the same time she mere just sat there and tried to focus on other thngs than what Sentinel Prime was speaking about.

"Prime....Prime!" one of the camera bots cried out, getting both of their attention.

"Yes?" They both asked as they looked down.

"Optimus Prime, is it true that all Cybertronians have no regard for human life and view Earth as little more than a battleground for the neverending Robot War?" The bot asked as it looked up at them.

"Why you little..." Sentinel started to cry out, before Optimus interrupted and intervened.

"First let me say what a great honor it is for us to be such welcome guests here on your planet. We are truly sorry for all you've been through with the recent Decepticon attack. We understand with the threat of Megatron still looming out there, fears can run a little..." Optimus explained, as Sentinel was getting impatient with him.

"Enough! You bots will direct your questions directly to me..." Sentinel cried. "Don't ever presume you can speak for me, Optimus. The last thing we need is some over glorified repair bot shooting his audio processor on things he doesn't understand. A scrub like you should just smile and wave and stay out of the way." He muttered as he leaned toward her and Optimus, "Let's get this over with. What am I supposed to do now?"

"Well, according to human custom, you shake hands with the mayor." Optimus replied, while smiling in the process.

"Touch an organic?" Sentinel asked, as he looked at the human, before looking back at Optimus.

"Unless you wanna pass off, such a great, diplomatic responsibility to such a lowly repair bot." Optimus replied, as Sentinel slowly reached down and shook a digit with the Mayor's servo for what was a few very brief seconds, before he quickly turned away and started to spray some disinfectant onto his servo, making Julie merely roll her eyes. "Same old Sentinel."

"And you were friends with this guy at some point, I'm willing to wager." Julie spoke on his shoulder as he saw the look of disgust on Sentinel's face. They sat there watching the crowd, before Captain Fanzone's voice echoed off his car. "Attention, all units, we have a decepticon sighting in old Detroit."

"A Decepticon sighting. These organics wouldn't know a Decepticon from a garbage bot. Tell your organic Captain, we are gonna investigate." Sentinel cried as he turned to a giant trash can bot.

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