Chapter XI

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Julie watched as he left, before she turned around to find that Optimus had now approached her, his emotions unreadable now as she studied his facial expression, but in his eyes she could tell he had several different emotions going through his head, trying his best to decide on how to approach her.

"I am sorry I left you worried, Optimus, but I am not sorry that I left the base and found help." Julie spoke up as she looked at him.

"Come with me." Optimus ordered as he walked around her and left the room. Sighing, she followed after him as they entered the main room and headed towards the base entrance, passing by Prowl who clearly was surprised that they had left his room already. She flew after him, as he walked out of the entrance and transformed into his alt mode, his driver door wide open as he waited for her to climb in. Normally she reserved such an idea for the Optimus from her home world, but like she confessed, he had died back home, yet somehow she didn't feel lost or alone, like something was helping to numb up the expected pain from someone close having died.

Sighing, she landed next to him, before she walked up and climbed into his alt mode. As soon as she did, the seat belt instantly wrapped around her, and the door shut as soon as she had sat down.

Driving away from the base, she watched as the buildings passed them, before she found them leaving Detroit and entering some country grounds. Fields passed around them, before the Prime pulled over into a grassy field. As the door opened up and the seat belt slid off, she hopped out of his cabin and watched as he transformed right next to her.

He didn't even say a word to her as he sat down next to her and was looking out at the fields around them. Sighing, she flew up and sat down on his shoulder and watched the night sky that twinkled above them.

Time flew by for a while as she sat there thinking about how she could make it up to him, but at the same time she knew he felt bad for yelling at her. Deciding to simply get the awkward silence out of the way she sighed. "I'm sorry that I worried you. I didn't realize that you and your team cared so much for me, even though I tend to make a mess of things."

"You're wrong if you think we don't care about you. You are a member of our team, and as a team we need to work together and take care of each other." Optimus replied, as he turned his head and looked at her. "Your Optimus told us to help take care of you, and how are we supposed to do that if you continue to run off and disappear?"

"I understand your point, but sometimes if you truly love and care for someone you have to let them go, even if you don't want to." Julie commented. "I know it sounds mean and harsh, but what are you gonna do when it comes time to where I am forced to leave this world and travel to another one?"

She expected him to get upset with her and retaliate against her words, but instead he suddenly picked her up off her servo and looked down at her while he held her in his gaze. "Optimus I..." She didn't get to finish her train of thought as he brought her to his eye level and kissed her right on top of her head. She sat there and felt the kiss as he held her firmly, but at the same time it felt reassuring and in a way comforting. She didn't know how to feel. As soon as his lips left her head though, he set her down and immediately transformed and drove away, almost like he was ashamed for having done such an action. Or was it because he was mad at her and decided to just leave her alone.

"Primus, I'm so confused, I don't know what to do. I thought I cared for the Optimus back home, and yet here I am getting kissed by Optimus from here." She mumbled as she watched the lights of Optimus's alt mode disappear over a hill down the road, and sighed.

Deciding to give them some time, she flew away from detroit and decided to head to the same lake that she had been at quite a while back when she had arrived in this world so long ago? How long has she been here already? She had no idea, but she knew that she needed to think and be alone for a little bit.

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