Chapter V

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"We still have a lot to learn about Earth customs, and the best way is to keep our optical and auditory sensors open." Optimus spoke as Julie sat in the back of the room in a corner.

"So let's get started." Bulkhead exclaimed. "We got over 5,000 channels to monitor here." Julie sat there cringing the whole time as they were watching the television. She felt like her brain was dying as they were watching the tv. "What ram damaged programming impaired bot would agree to be in such a degrading spectacle?" Ratchet cried.

"I think I know who, Ratchet." Julie spoke up as she flew over and joined them.

"Representing the machines, I give you Bumblebee." The speaker cried out as they saw Bumblebee with Sari nearby.

"What?" Bulkhead cried out, spitting some oil onto the floor. "Hey, good evening Detroit." Bumblebee cried on the television. Julie just wanted to slam her head on a desk at the spectacle of Bumblebee on television. "And representing the human race I give you Cyrus the Colossus." The speaker spoke as it showed an old man on the screen covered in black clothing.

"That's a human?" Bulkhead asked.

"Must be a new model." Prowl commented.

"That's not a human, not anymore if I had anything to say about it." Julie spoke up.

"Good luck and may the best man win." The speaker cried.

"That right there is a lab rat being experimented on, if I knew any better." Julie cried as they watched the television. "

"We need to get in there, now!" Optimus cried. "Autobots, roll out." Everyone transformed before taking off out of the base with Julie flying right behind them. They found Bumblebee being crushed by the messed up man in a parking lot.

"Looks like you're in over your head again, kid." Ratchet cried as he shifted and used his stasis beams to stop a car from landing on top of Bumblebee.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bumblebee cried as everyone else shifted and stood nearby.

"Mute it, we've got bigger problems." Optimus ordered.

"What, bigger than me?" Bumblebee asked.

"What are you talking about?" Optimus replied as the man came running at them. Julie hovered there, cringing as her hand met with her forehead, groaning from the stupidity of the fight. "Time for the big guns." Bulkhead cried out.

"Just rub it in, why don't ya?" Bumblebee cried out.

"What, what I say?" Bulkhead asked as he looked over at Bumblebee.

"Bumblebee, now is not the time to wallow in self pity." Julie yelled out as the man started to groan in pain, electric pulses coming out of his back where two bumps were on his back. Prowl threw his ninja stars and they hit the bumps, immediately causing the man to shrink back to his original size.

"Good thinking Prowl, way to cut him down to size." Optimus commented as they all stood there.

"Next time use your head, find your foe's weakness and strike there." Prowl spoke as he startled Bumblebee.

"If you can reach it." Bulkhead agreed.

"Oh, right. I get it, cuz I'm short." Bumblebee complained, crossing his arms over his chassis.

"What, I'm just busting your bumpers, little buddy." Bulkhead cried out.

"Why does it have to be 'little buddy?' Why can't it just be 'buddy?'" Bumblebee hissed, as everyone joined the group. Julie hovered there as Ratchet picked up Sari nearby.

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