Chapter 15

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"Daddy?" Cassie cries as soon as her dad opened his house door. "Honey, what happened?" Anthony, her dad asked as he instantly wrapped his arms around his daughter who broke down crying. After Cassie had a long talk with Jennifer, she realized she didn't really have anywhere else to go. She didn't have many friends from show business, and she never really kept in contact with anyone from High School. The only place she knew she could run to at any time and felt the safest, was her dad's home. The home she grew up in and the only man who ever cared and truly loved her.

It was 2 in the morning when Cassie showed up at her dad's place. She had switched off her phone so Jake couldn't contact her, and she was certain he would be worried but she didn't care. "Honey, what's going on? Where's Jake and why are you here at 2 in the morning?" Her dad asked as he sat at the kitchen counter with her. "Did you just get back from the hospital?" Cassie asked her dad as he was still in his scrubs. "Yea, I had an emergency case and had to go in. Can you please tell me what's going on and why are you a crying mess at 2 in the morning in front of my house?" He asked.

"I broke up with Jake." She says as she began crying again. Anthony grabbed some tissues and handed them to her as he caressed her back consolingly.

"And he just kicked you out like that?" He asked. Anthony was beginning to get worked up at the thought that this guy dared to treat his daughter this way. Anthony had never approved of Cassie's relationship with Jake, but the more he tried to pull them apart, the more Cassie rebelled and in the end, she moved out and chose to move in with Jake.

The day that happened, Anthony felt like he lost his daughter and didn't even know who she was anymore. Cassie was never one to put a guy before her dad. She always honored him and respected everything he said but somehow when Jake came into the picture, Cassie was a completely different person. And now, two years later, she's here, back in his arms crying over a heartbreak. He knew this was going to happen at some point and so he never bothered to fight harder for her.

"He didn't kick me out, dad. I just left." She says as she slowly wiped her tears. "Did he hit you? Cassie, you have to tell me if he laid a hand on you." He asked sternly. "No, he didn't hit me. He just...oh dad, can we please not talk about this now. I'm really tired and I want to go to bed." She says as she gets up. Cassie was exhausted and did not know how to tell her dad everything that had happened. Was she going to tell him there is a sex tape of her on the internet? If her dad knew, he would have a heart attack. He was a well respected man in his field and the last thing she wanted to do was cause him embarrassment. "Okay sweetheart. Go up to your room. So what about your things from his place?" He asked. "I'll figure that out later." She says as she goes up to her childhood bedroom.

Cassie switched on her phone and was instantly bombarded with notifications of missed calls, voicemails, and text messages from Jake. She decides not to listen or read any of it but instead changes into one of the pajamas she's always had in the closet. And goes to bed.

It was about 9 am when Cassie woke up to the sound of a commotion going on downstairs. She wrapped a silk robe she had on the nightstand and hurried downstairs making her way to the living room. She followed the sound of the commotion that led her to the foyer of her home. It was Jake and her dad. Anthony was trying to force Jake out of the house while Jake was fighting with him and refusing to leave. "Jake?" Cassie calls out. "Cass, where the hell were you, and what the fuck is going on?" Jake says as he pushes his way through the door and walks over to Cassie. "You're not going anywhere near her." Anthony grabs onto Jake's arm pulling him away. "How the hell did you find me?" She asks confused to see him here. "I have a GPS tracker on your phone ." He says "Of course you do." She says as she shakes her head in disbelief. "Dad, it's okay. I can take it from here." Cassie says. "Honey.." Anthony starts "Dad, I'm fine. I got this." Cassie says, cutting him off. Anthony looks at both of them before walking away and disappearing from the foyer.

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