Chapter 19

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The day had finally arrived, the day Cassie promised to pick Ally and her friends up from her place and take them to the concert. As Cassie was about to step out to her apartment parking lot, she heard a loud honk that sent a vibration through her body. "What the hell?" She exclaimed and turns around to see Sebastian in a 4-wheeler, with 3 teenage girls in the back seat. She recognized one of them to be Ally. "What is happening?" She asks confused by the whole situation. "Sebastian winds down the window and says "Get in!" "Cassie come on in!" Ally yells as she winds down the window on her side too. "I thought you were too busy to take them." She says crossing her arms.

"I never said too busy, I said I'll get back to her and I did. I turned out to be free. Now get in or do you need me to come out there and open the door for you?" He asks. Cassie glanced over at Ally and her friends who were all squeezing their heads out the window watching the exchange. "I'll get in if you guys stop putting your head out the window like that it's creepy," Cassie says and the girls giggled as they wind up the window.

As they show up at the parking lot of the event, Cassie realized that they were not at a Justin Bieber concert, this is a music festival. "Ally, this is not a concert, this is a festival," Cassie says. "I know, if I told mum it was a festival, she would never have let me go. Cause people take drugs here." Ally says rolling her eyes and how stupid she thought that theory was. "Um she's right, people do take drugs at music festivals and we just lied to your parents." Cassie says nervously as Sebastian walked around the car to join them, "Oh my god uncle Seb, is she for real now?" Ally asks sassily as she walks up to her friends leaving Sebastian with Cassie. "Hey, relax, they're with us," Sebastian says as he throws his arm around Cassie's shoulder pulling her towards him and walking behind the girls. 

"Sebastian, your niece was going to have me take her and her two friends to a freaking festival, and lie to your sister about it." Cassie tries to rationalize to him how irresponsible that was. "Yea I know, she does stuff like this all the time," Sebastian says calmly as they kept walking. Cassie wanted to push further on how bad she thought this was but felt it wasn't her place. She was somewhat glad this was not a fully Justin Bieber-centered event, she got to watch other artists she liked as well. The whole time, Cassie kept watching the girls like a hawk, afraid they might be offered something, or run off with some random group and lose them completely. But Sebastian on the other hand seemed very trusting of the girls, especially Ally. It's like he knew her enough to know that he could trust her and she wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Cass?" a familiar voice calls out to her and she turns around to see the last person she thought she would see today. Cassie froze and her eyes grew wide. "Jake" She states as Sebastian turns around as well to see what was going on. He locks eyes with Jake and his arms immediately latch on to Cassie's waist pulling her closer to him. Jake's eyes darts to Sebastian's hands that were wrapped around the woman he once called his girlfriend and was so sure she was going to be his forever. He glances back and forth between the two of them when the realization hits him that they were together. "Babe, why did you run off?" A tall blonde woman says as she pushed through the crowd and walks over to Jake. "Uh, this is Sabrina, my wife," Jake says mousily and Cassie's jaw dropped and her eyebrows rose in shock to hear that Jake was married. 

"Hi, I'm Sabrina," the blond girl with Jake says as she reaches out her hand to take Cassie's. "Oh, you're married? Hi, I'm Cassie." Cassie says as casually as she could but on the inside, she couldn't believe some woman would actually marry her jackass ex. "And you must be_?" Jake asked looking at Sebastian unimpressed. "Oh this is Sebastian, he's a_" "I'm her boyfriend," Sebastian says in confidence,  looking into Cassie's eyes, his arms still holding her close to him while his fingers calmingly stoke her waist. He could tell this whole encounter was making her uncomfortable and he hated that they had to bump into Jake.

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