Chapter Nine

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The summer of 1984 was a fun one as Kat made sure to enjoy her last summer before she had to become an adult and join the workforce

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The summer of 1984 was a fun one as Kat made sure to enjoy her last summer before she had to become an adult and join the workforce. The scars on her leg had finally healed but they did leave some nasty scars that she really couldn't explain to anyone who dared ask; so, whenever she went to the local pool, she always made sure to cover her legs with a towel. When Kat wasn't at the pool, she was getting some driving lessons from Jonathan, who on more than one occasion freaked out. Kat also grew closer to Nancy over the summer who had decided to help the senior in studying so that she graduate with more than just decent grades; even though Kat had no plans to attend college, Nancy still insisted that she least impressed all the teachers her finale year, and possibly feel good about herself for the accomplishment.

Nancy made sure to point out that Steve was a good guy for once in his life, and that he did technically save Kat's ass. So, she had to uphold her word and even though the boys didn't know about it she gave half of her allowance to the boys. Dustin was so confused about why she was handing over her allowance, but she told him to ignore it and appreciate it. As summer came to an end, she was stuck with the realization that she was entering her senior year and would be graduating in the fall.

October 30, 1984

Kat sometimes forgets how much she really does hate school; she is reminded very quickly every day when she arrives back on campus. Today was a different type of day though, it was the day before Halloween. The only reason why she loved the holiday so much was that after Dustin went trick or treating, she got the majority of his candy, as their mom would take most of it away from him.

Kat was leaning against her locker reading her latest obsession; Stephan King's 'The Shining'; hearing a bunch of people whispering around her she was taken out of her thoughts when she saw a new boy walking down the hallway with a smirk on his face, every girl in the hallway was staring at him. Rolling her eyes, she went back to her book but not before catching his eye as he sent a wink to her. She had barely finished the page when Nancy slid against her. "We have a new kid."

Not taking her eyes off the page. "Yeah, he just walked past. Went that way." She said as she slightly flicked her finger in the direction he was headed.

"Kat! I'm serious, we've never really had anyone new come to town. Plus, he's sort of cute looking, so maybe you could try to... you know."

Kat slammed her book closed and looked at Nancy like she was insane. "Are you high? Did Steve finally get you to smoke? Please tell me it's that, I've been wanting a new smoke buddy." Seeing the not-amused expression on Nancy's face, Kat groaned. "The guy exudes maximum asshole vibes; you did not just see how he is enjoying all the whispering. Plus, don't get me started on the hair." Kat whispered the first part. "I am trying not to judge, but it's so hard not to."

The warning bell rang, so Kat bid Nancy farewell and went off to her science class. Most people would hate having science first thing in the morning, but Kat enjoyed it. Something she and her brother had in common, they both enjoyed science. Sitting at her usual table, sitting at the back of the class, as the bell rang, her lab partner slid into the classroom. "It's my favorite Henderson!"

Kat cracked a smile as the metal head sat beside her. "I'm the only Henderson you know Eddie."

Kat honestly cannot recall when she and metalhead became friends, as it was his second time being a senior now. If she thought back really hard, it could be when she was a sophomore and he was a junior; alone in the library looking for a half-decent book when she was approached by him. Giving her a list of books that she should try out. From there they became friendly.

Steve sat diagonally in front of her and the table in front of her had an empty chair. Just her typical luck the new guy arrived in her class after the bell. As the teacher went to introduce him, Billy walked away and sat down in front of her, but before he did, he smiled at her. Causing Kat to roll her eyes again. Steve watched the interaction, not sure what to make of it, while Eddie gave the new guy a strange look before leaning in to whisper to Kat. "Someone has an admirer." Hearing his words, she shoved him. Kat's one favorite class was going to become her nightmare; as the end of the period bell rang, she was packing up her stuff.

A voice interrupted her as she picked up her stuff. "I never got your name?"

Kat cringed. "Does that seriously work?" Billy grinned as his eyes flickered over her as he licked his lips. Rolling her eyes, she picked up her stuff and left the classroom.

Walking down she met up with Nancy and Steve watching as Jonathan walked away; Nancy handed Kat a flyer. "Come and get sheet faced" Kat read the flyer out loud, a little more confused as she looked back up at Nancy. "No."

"It's your senior year and you need to go to at least one high school party so that way when you get older and have kids you can tell them all about it. I'm trying to get Jonathan to go too."

Kat tilted her head. "Are you sure about that? His plan is to take the boys trick or treating since you know how nervous Joyce is leaving Will alone still. I was going to join him and embarrass Dustin the whole time." Nancy gave Kat a pointed look before Kat walked away to head to her next class.

As the school day finished up, Kat waited by the bike rack for her brother, knowing that he and the guys would be going over to the arcade after school like they usually do. Grabbing her book out of her bag she picked up from where she had left off earlier, but as her luck continued, she was soon distracted again as she caught an overpowering scent of men's cologne.

"Do you need a ride, sweetheart?" The voice asked.

"Nope, just waiting for my brother," Kat said as she continued reading.

"Not much of a talker, are you, Katherine?"

This caught Kat's attention. "So, you caught my name, you should know I go by Kat instead, William?"

Kat caught Billy's lip twitch when she called him by his full first name. His expression changed to show that it didn't bother him. "Are you going to Tina's party?"

"What's with all the questions? I can tell you now, I'm not all that interested; you should go bug anyone else." Kat was extremely grateful that Dustin and Lucas chose that moment to come out of the school. Dustin's eyes flicked from his sister to the unknown male beside her, noticing her agitated expression. The two boys moved beside her and unlocked their bikes. Billy was locked on Lucas a little too long for Kat's liking. Without another word, Billy walked away from Kat and went to his car where a group of girls joined him. The feeling she got from Billy when he looked at the boys, was a feeling she didn't like. "Hey... if he ever bothers you guys. Tell me."

Dustin looked between his sister and the guy who had just left. "What are you going to do? Bring out your ax."

Turning towards her brother, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes."

The trio made their way to the arcade, the boys telling Kat all about their day, about the new girl, and how she is MADMAX. She had been hearing all about how someone named MADMAX has been destroying all their high scores at the arcade. The boys eventually asked her about the guy she was with earlier, she told them it was nobody just an asshole.

While outside of the arcade the trio watched as Max get dropped off by Billy before he sped off out of the parking lot breaking all traffic laws. Before she let the boys, she made them promise her that they wouldn't harass Max too much. Once home she got a head start on her homework as her English teacher had already started a big project two weeks back; finishing it up before she started cooking dinner making sure to leave a plate in the oven for her mother. She finally found time to enjoy her book in peace without any interruptions. Laying on her stomach on the bed she was hearing a lot of rattling outside but figured it was just an animal. 

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