Chapter Thirteen

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Kat grabbed Dustin and took him into her room as they both started freaking out about Dart and his latest transition

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Kat grabbed Dustin and took him into her room as they both started freaking out about Dart and his latest transition. "We have a baby Demogorgon in the house. We have a baby Demogorgon in the house!" She started repeatedly muttering, her hand running through her hair in frustration and shock. Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest as she almost started to hyperventilate. "Fuck, we are so screwed!" She started to take deep breaths as she needed to gain control. "Okay, we need to come up with a plan, obviously Mom cannot know."

Dustin agreed with Kat; throughout the night the two siblings stayed in Kat's room that night as they came up with a decent plan to deal with Dart. The plan relied heavily on the fact they need to get in contact with their friends and that everything goes smoothly. Sometime around three in the morning, the Henderson siblings passed out only to be woken up in the morning by their mom calling out to Mews. Jumping awake, they dressed for the day as they put their plan into action.

When their mother went outside to check around the house, Dustin ran to the phone just as she was coming back in. Kat stood in the hallway that led to their bedrooms as it looked like she was just coming out. "Thank you so much, Mr. McCorkle. -- Thank you so much. You are a true lifesaver. --- Thank you. All right. --- Have a good one. Bye-bye, now. -- All right. You, too." Dustin said, hanging up the phone and turning toward their mom. Kat leaned against the wall like she was curious about the phone call as well. "All right, great news."

It broke Kat's heart to see her mom's face light up. "They found her?"

"No. But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora."

Claudia started crying. "How did my poor baby get all the way out there?"

"I don't know. Lost, I guess. But they're gonna look for her."

Kat looked back at Dustin before looking back at her mom, speaking up. "Mom, you should really head over too, you know help look for her. She'll more likely come out to your voice than anyone else's. We'll stay here, just in case they or someone else calls again."

Claudia went towards her two children and gave them a hug each, kissing the top of their heads. "I love you. I love you. We will find her." She then grabbed her car keys and purse before heading out.

Dustin and Kat stood in the doorway watching as their mother pulled away from the house. Kat knew that Dustin felt just as guilty as she did in that moment. "This is totally going to break her," Kat spoke lowly.

"We'll get her a new cat... together." Dustin agreed with his sister. "Maybe one that actually likes us."

Step one of their plan was completed; the second step was to gear up and get Dart out of the house. They started to gear up, Dustin putting on his old hockey gear while Kat put on multiple layers of clothing and her old soccer leg guards to act as padding. Before moving Dart, they placed salami slices that lead from Dustin's bedroom to the storm cellar; making sure every door to the rest of the house was closed tightly, Kat grabbed her ax from last year, to have ready just a precaution, while Dustin grabbed his hockey stick.

"Ready?" Kat called out by the back door, ready to run.

Dustin nodded his head. "Ready." He then proceeds to bang on his bedroom door with the hockey stick. "All right, Dart. Breakfast time." He said before opening his bedroom door. The pair then ran out of the house into the shed in the backyard, peeking through the planks.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." Kat said muttering to herself in a whisper.

Dustin panting beside her. "Come on. Come on, I know you're hungry."

Watching as Dart leaves the house, eating each slice of salami. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." They mutter together in a low chant. They started getting excited the closer Dart got to the edge of the cellar. Their excitement comes to an abrupt end when Dart stops and turns its head towards them in the shed. "Shit!" Dustin whispers, and they both back up. After a moment they leaned back in to look again, but this time Dart had moved closer to the shed, its lower pedal mouth hissing at them. They both slam their backs against the wall of the shed, both of them breathing hard.

"He's need...a little force." Kat breathed out in a whisper. They looked at each other and with a firm nod of their head, they changed out the door, startling Dart to back up just as Dustin swung his hockey stick hitting it into the cellar. Kat moved into action and slammed the cellar doors closed and laid on them so that Dustin could get the lock and lock it as Dart rammed its little body into the metal doors.

Once the lock was on, Kat turned toward her brother. "That was so badass!" Giving him a high five, she honestly couldn't believe that their plan had actually worked. Now that the hard part was over, she took off the layers of clothing before grabbing the shovel from the shed outside. Kat started digging the hole in the far corner of the yard, a spot their mother wouldn't notice and only they would know what was buried there. Dustin went into the house to grab an old towel to wrap what remained of Mews.

With a heavy heart, Kat used the shovel to help move what was left of Mews and placed her on her old towel, she carefully wrapped what was left before taking the body outside. Dustin picked a few flowers from around the yard to place them on Mews's grave. The siblings shared a few nice words about the beloved cat. They also made an agreement that they were going to plant some flower seeds so that something beautiful would grow in its place.

The cellar doors rattled behind them every so often, the sound would make Kat jump every time and make her heart race. "Please tell me you've heard from the party." Dustin looked at his sister before shaking his head.

Dustin kept calling over the walkie that it was code red and was practically begging for someone to answer, the only reply he got was from Erica Sinclair who ignored him and turned off the receiving walkie. Kat could tell Dustin was getting frustrated with his friends, as it was the one time, he desperately needed them and no one would answer him. He let out an annoyed sigh. "I'm going to go over to Mike's, you say here, and keep an eye on Dart," he said, as he grabbed his walkie and took off on his bike.

"You better come back!" Kat yelled out to him; the doors rattled again, throwing her hands in the air, she moved away from the cellar and sat by the house where her axe lay against the brick wall. Every so often she would go into the house and call the Byers' house, but no one would pick up the phone. She was getting more and more annoyed as time went on as she was not hearing back from anyone. The periodic sound of Dart ramming into the metal door was not helping. 

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